"Hello," Elijah says in a hushed tone.

I listen in closer to the conversation to catch who's on the phone.

"How's the hunt going?" An all to familiar voice echoes out.

"Why are you calling this late Dylan? I'm getting the job done," Elijah softly barks to show his aggravation.

"I would like to meet whoever this person is who's been leaving me more and more rogue vampires to deal with," Dylan grumbles. Annoyance evident in his tone.

"Her name is Julia Alford," Elijah says, annoyance clear in his tone.

"Where are you? I want to meet her. I need to make it known that she's safe with us," Dylan murmurs and then tapping comes right after.

"I can take care of it. I need her to trust me," he whispers while pulling himself fully off of the couch.

I can sense he's getting closer and so I do the best acting I can while fake sleeping.

"I'll just track your phone. See you sometime this week," Dylan huffs before a slight beep fills my ears.

I slightly grip onto the sheet over my body as my mind begins to race. I need to get out of here and soon!

He falls back asleep and I finally see my chance. I grab my stuff and throw it into my suitcase and pull out a pair of silver handcuff I got off a guard once. I hiss as I touch it, feeling my skin burn and blister from the contact. I pull through the pain and cuff one part to the couch leg and then quickly cuff his hand.

"What the fuck are you doing? This hurts!" He growls out while trying to pull at the cuff.

"I'm sorry but I can't stay here. Nice to meet you though," I say as I grab my bags and open the door. I kinda feel bad but at the same time I don't. This is for my survival.

"You're making a huge mistake!" He grunts out.

'Oh well' I mouth before closing the door and swiftly making my exit from the hotel. I decide to stay low, get a cab and go somewhere, anywhere.

"Where would you like to go?" The cab driver asks me. I simply shrug my shoulders, making the driver a little confused.

"Take me to the closest city," I say and he nods his head and begins driving.


The nightclub is packed with bodies and booze, my senses catching the smell of pot as well. I decide to take a seat at the bar nearby and a kind man starts handing me drink after drink. I was a lightweight when it came to drinking when I was a human but now it's all changed. Everything about me has changed. Is it better I'm like this? Maybe.

I decide to join the crowd after my twenty third shot of vodka gives me a small buzz. Several bodies join me and it quickly turns into a grind-fest. A man joins behind me and begins to touch me a little to much but the alcohol is telling me different. His hands are traveling all over me and are beginning to pull up the hem of my shirt.

I quickly excuse myself and head back to the bar to drink some more but alcohol isn't what I need. My hunger for blood starts making my demon come out. I could feel my eyes changing and my fangs begin to stick out from my gums.

"A whiskey and whatever this beautiful women is having," a deep voice comes from beside me. I could almost hear the dinner bells ringing until I look over at the cheesy grin of Elijah's.

"What's with the stunned face? Did you really think you could get away?" He asks while throwing his arm over me.

"Hoped," I shortly answer.

"You would have to go to a whole new state to get away from me," he answers and throws his drink back.

"Haven't had to before. Guess I'll try that next time," I answer and throw my drink back as well.

We end up drinking in silence and I can tell the alcohol is getting to him now. He looks over at me ever so often like he wants to say something but just stays silent.

"What's on your mind?" I ask after taking my thirtieth shot.

"Why did you run?" He asks and tilts his head to the side.

"Do you really want to know?" I ask as the waiter gets me my next shot. My mind is telling me to keep it a secret but the alcohol is making it so much more difficult.

"It will help me understand you better so yes," he answers while sipping on his drink.

"I overheard your call with Dylan Harper," I hiss his name out like it was poison.

"I understand being scared he will kill you but don't worry, I won't let that happen," he explains while using way to much hand gestures.

"Do you remember what I told you about my maker?" I ask and he nods his head.

Memories flood back to me, the fact that he wanted me killed. The fact that he probably never loved me. I could feel a tear slip from my eyes and tread down the side of my face as I remember what we had. What I thought we had...

"He was my maker and before then he was the love of my life. The crazy thing is, he probably didn't mean for me to come back to life, to become a vampire. Fuck, I don't even want to be a vampire because I don't know what to do anymore. I can't trust myself near my family and that's all I have left," I explain as tears fill my eyes and begin to travel down my face.

I know I shouldn't be telling him all of this because he'll probably just tell Dylan but fuck it. I can't control anything when I'm intoxicated.

I'm pulled into a warm hug by Elijah as curses are pushed out of his mouth.

"I'm so sorry. I never thought that he would be this way but right now, you need to pull yourself together and run back to your hotel room," he mutters against my cheek making my skin heat up.

"Why? What's going on?" I ask, trying to pull away but he's keeping me in his arms.

"Dylan is here. I can sense him," he explains, still keeping me close in his arms.

I slowly nod my head and finally he lets go of me. I begin to sense several other vampires as well around the club.

"Go now or he'll see you," he says and softly pushes me towards the exit.

I take my cue and push through the bodies that seem to get more crowed as I get closer to the center. I turn back and watch as Elijah calmly picks his glass back up and takes another swig. Broad shoulders come into view and a smile that used to make me melt is directed at a women I used to be close with. Riki is hanging onto Dylan's arm and smiling up at him and I notice they seem happier without me, which makes my heart hurt even more.

I can't wait to hurt you just like you hurt me. When I get my hands on you, you will regret ever meeting me.

I make my exit and make it halfway to the hotel before my name being called stops me.

"It's really you, Amanda," is said again before I turn around to Delilah's confused expression.

"I'm sorry but you have the wrong person," I say while keeping my head down before I turn around to walk in the ally.

I get half way down there before an arm grabs onto me and turns me around. On instinct I grab the arm and twist it until I hear a snap.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She talks while snapping it back in place.

"Leave and forget this before I kill you!" I scream and flash my fangs mincingly.

"If you want a fight then you got one because I'm not leaving without answers!" She yells back before charging at me.

Rogue (18+)(Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now