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This ship was also requested by me, because... well... XD XD XD

Me: Today we'll be doing.... drumroll please...... DRARRY!!!!

Hermione: Wait a second.... you don't mean....

Me: Yep XD XD

Hermione: XD XD OMG

Ron: Erm.. what's Drarry?

Me: Drarry = Draco + Harry!!!!

Neville: I have no opinion on this.

Luna: And I don't want to.

Harry: Please no. Please no.

Draco: This has got to be a joke. No one really ships this, right?

Ginny: For once, I agree with the ferret.

Draco: (muttering) Filthy blood traitor.

Me: Draco! We've talked about this.

Draco: I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me.

Me: (darkly) I'll think about it.

Hermione: Can we please get back on topic?!

Me: (evil grin) With pleasure! Yep, people actually ship it. A LOT of people ship it. (whispering in Draco and Harry's ear) A LOT.

Hermione: Come on, it could happen! You guys have always been jealous of each other and you are always competing against each other. Also, it's HiLaRiOuS!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD

Ron: Hermione, are you okay?

Hermione: *burps* Too much butterbeer. Sugar is my weak spot. (giggling) Drarry, Drarry....

Harry: Aren't your parents dentists?

Hermione: Shhh!! (looks around giggling) They might be listening.

Ron: Yep, definitely too much butterbeer.

Me: So, who ships it?

Ginny: No way! Never.

Ron: Nope. Though it would mean that Harry wouldn't be with my sister, but... *shudders* yeah, I prefer even Hinny to this.

Neville & Luna: Still no opinion.

Hermione: I shipitty dippity ship it! *giggles* Drrrraarrrryy.......

Draco: *smirks* Sorry, Harry... There's someone else.

Me: Burn!

Harry: Erm.. you're forgiven? Anyways, I don't ship it.

Me: Yeah... it's funny, but I don't ship it. Guys, we still need requests!

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