Chapter Eleven

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Once they were alone, Jack carried her to bed. The first lights of dawn were peeking through the curtains. Her eyes opened briefly when he picked her up, giving him a glance of her unwashed tears. Moisture was pearling on her eyelashes. He lay down with her. His fingers brushed her cheeks, light as a feather, and generated a smile. Motivated by the result, his lips followed the same path his fingers took earlier, only to end the migration on her lips. He nibbled on her lower lips, coaxing her into a deeper kiss as her lips parted. His hand moved along the robe reaching the knot. A gentle tug gave him access to her skin. His caress soothed her. She opened his robe, moulding her body against his. He lowered her head to his chest, enveloping her in his arms.

"As long as I am with you, I will be fine, Jack," she whispered.

He lifted her head toward his, staring deep into her beautiful eyes. He wasn't going anywhere, he reassured her, and next Saturday, they were getting married, even if they had to sneak out of here in their blue robes.

She chuckled at the idea. "We will need clothes, Jack, while we're here," but he shook his head.

"Not in the honeymoon suite, my love," he murmured, glad to see the rosy tint on her cheeks. She was carrying his child, and he could still make her blush. She amazed him. "How about getting some sleep before you and baby ask for breakfast?" Her clear laughter warmed his heart as a sparkle of mischief appeared in her eyes. "NO! You cannot possibly be hungry again. At that rate, the dress won't fit you next weekend."

She laughed even harder. There would be no hiding baby, that was for sure. He closed his eyes on her image wearing her wedding dress with baby slightly protruding.


They stayed at another hotel about thirty-five minutes away from the resort.

"Now, Bobby, were you talking in code with Tara, or do you also have a little hidden surprise?"

"I wanted Tara to check the missing agent and she got it," he said, very proud of his wife.

"Are you sure? Because you seem as anxious for this wedding as Jack is." Bobby was staring at Myles in astonishment. "Jack has a very good reason, not that I think yours is bad. I mean...Tara's mom seems to be a challenging woman after all."

Myles was seeding doubts in Bobby's mind. Could Tara be pregnant too? He would know, wouldn't he? They were taking precaution, weren't they?

"Actually, I am surprised Sue's mom didn't kill Jack for—" continued Myles.

"Myles, stop it. You're unnerving me."

"Right," Myles said, wondering why. "It's none of my business. So, when do you think Tara—"

His cell ringing answered that question.


"Hi, Bobby. Are you alone?"

"In a hotel room with Myles. Does that count as alone?"

She laughed but refused to answer.

"What have you got, Luv?"

"I am only a third through your list, and nothing so far, but I checked their missing agent. A fellow named Arnold Lemmas. He and his partner disappeared two years ago while investigating a subsidiary company of Carter's consortium."

"We figured that much out. Anything suspicious?"

"I don't know, Bobby. If I tell you he was a sniper before he joined the CIA would that qualify?" she asked, pleased with herself. "Bobby? Are you still there? Is everything fine?"

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