Chapter Two

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"And where did you get this outfit from?"

I smugly adjusted the collar of my new white jacket worn over a new green tank top and new denim jeans. "Wouldn't you like to know? I have no other spare clothes and somebody wouldn't let me out."

My new boss shrugged, walking past the couch which I am taking over ('my bed', as Izaya called it) and walked behind his desk, sitting at his office chair. "Well, what would I do if you were to run away as soon as you go out? I am not letting you out that easily, Takiyama."

"With you as a boss, I can't see why anybody would want to stay."

"Touche, touche," he chuckled. "Then again, you are that annoying as well, Takiyama."

"Oh, hating me already?" I swung my legs over the couch and sat upright. "I thought you loved all humans?"

 "Perhaps so," his fingers curled around a shogi piece and placed it down, right before a queen. "But you, however are an exception, just like Shizuo."

"What, who- never mind. So. When are you giving me something to do? It's bored enough to stay in this stupid office room and sit on this couch all day, you know that?"

"Do you always give all your previous bosses this much of an attitude?"

"You're not my boss," I snarled as I firmly sat on the chair in front of his desk.


"You're my..." I struggled for words. "... You're the person I work for." I nodded. "Yes. So. Back to topic. Give me something to do?"

The sound of the keyboard letters being typed filled the room. Each time a ping of a new message sounded, Izaya would type back.

"You're chatting?"

He ignored me and continued typing. Then he idly said, "You should be glad. I'm hardly giving you anything to do-"

"You mean not giving anything at all."

He rolled his eyes and typed more, a smirked tugging his lips as he read off his computer screen. "Well you're hardly doing anything, you still get a paycheck from me."

I gritted my teeth. "Are you calling me a good for nothing?"

After a few moments of silence with the sound of typing of the keyboard and the sound of me typing my fingers against the table impatiently Izaya spoke again.


"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Did your parents fight?"

"Of course... not..." I faltered, thinking about the hushed, sharp words they said to each other, the way they each referred me as 'your child'... 

"Because of you?"

I narrowed my eyes. 

"N-none of your business, Izaya Orihara," I growled.

He smirked and a chuckle escape his lips. My hands shook with anger as I thought of ways to plan his death. This guy; he really, really likes to get me so angry.

"Do you ever feel that you are the cause of their problems? Do you think that's the reason why they threw you away? Have you thought that your existence is useless and unnecessary? Wished that you didn't exist?"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I slammed my fists upon the table and stood up, grabbing Izaya by the collar and yanking him up. 

My fist clenched and I wanted to slam my fist into his smug face.

Only A Pawn (Izaya fanfic) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now