Unforgiving Truth.

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AGAIN: Disclaimer before you read, I'm not a Spanish speaker but I'm learning. Just go with it and correct me if anything is wrong. Also I do not own any of the OMB characters just the ones I've added in. It won't be tying into the crew's life a lot but there will be some considering they will be only briars friend other than Ella. ENJOYYYY

"Briar, baby come on get up." Juliana shook her seventeen year old daughter from her slumber. "Mama?" The girl spoke rubbing her eyes. "Come baby, get that bag and put clothes in it only what you need." She started sitting her daughter up before helping her get clothes out."Wait ma, where are we going?" Briar rubbed her eyes, still a little asleep and confused as to what is happening. "We are not going anywhere. You are going somewhere." Her mother replies starting to just pack for her.

"Por que? Where am I going?" Briar started to get frantic waiting for her mothers answer. "To your dads, Julio put a green light on you after that night." Juliana sighed as Briar suddenly started to cry.

Chapter One - Unforgiving Truth.

The sky, it was clear and blue. For most, it would be a happy amazing day, but for me, completely opposite. I've had a rough life every since my mom took me away from my dad. Shipping us both to New York only to get caught up in the same things all over again. It's true when people say "once in the life stays in the life." Just this time, ten times worst. My step dad, Julio Valentino, was no saint and no good guy. He beat on my mom and me anytime he saw us. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day.

My lip is currently busted, my cheek a little swollen all from yesterday. I lightly brushed my finger over the cut in my bottom and top lip. I winced at the stinging feeling. Papi is going to murder Julio..

As I sat in the back of the yellow ugly taxi, I pull the hood of my hoodie over my head ducking down as I saw people walking on the side walk. "We here kid." The driver spoke. I nodded and mumbled a thanks before handing him the money and stepping out with my backpack. Here I stood in front, in front of a beat up house with a couch in the yard and a red impala in the drive way.

Finally getting the courage, I walk up to the front door and lightly knock on it. A buff man opens the door, a tattoo of a tear drop under his eye and a Santo cross on his neck. He was bald and had a gogo-t with a mustache. Oh papi.. he was a real cholo. "What you want fool?" He spoke. "Um is my dad here?" I pushed my hood off my head, my busies on full display along with my busted lip. "Your dad?" He looks curiously at me. "Sad Eyes." I answer.

The man looked shocked. "Antonio su hija esta aqui!" He yelled in the house. Not even a second later my dad pops up at the door. "Mija?" My father looks at my face. In an instant, you can see in his eyes the anger taking over him. Before I could say anything, he hugs me tightly. "Papi.." I whimper clinging to him like a little girl holds a teddy bear. "Don't cry mija. Come in." Dad brings me inside where I'm surrounded by a group of gang members making me cower slightly. I feel cornered and stuck.

"We won't hurt you princesa." One with a bandanna on says. I just nod. "Briar." My dad says which means hes serious. "Si papi?" I mumble lightly. "Why aren't you with your mom?" He asks. "No me quieres aqui?" I ask sounding hurt. "No mami. I mean, why did you come here? I didn't know you were coming and why is your face busted up?" He made me sit on the couch as he went and got the first aid kit from the kitchen. Everyone was staring at me. Even the man who opened the door. I lightly blush.

Dad came back and crouched down in front of me. "Papi.. it was terrible." My eyes started watering. "Mami woke me up from my nap.." I started.

"He really put a greenlight on me?" Briar whispered frightened to her mom. "Mija, yes. Now help me and stay quiet." Baby Briar got up and started to help her mom pack her bag, when the front door of the apartment slammed shut. Julio came stumbling into the room. "Theres the bitch now." He slurred drunkenly. Two of his friends were behind him laughing. Juliana pulled her baby girl behind her. "Julio. Don't." She begged knowing what him and his homies were about to do to her innocent little girl. The men laughed again.

"She ain't got no respect. We gonna teach her it." The men started getting closer. He reached around his wife gripping the poor girl and smacked her like she was a man busting her lip open. He swung once more hitting her in the cheek which caused a swelling knot and bruise instantly. Juliana hit Julio causing his to become even angrier. He turned his attention towards his now wife. "You made a mistake." He pounced on her along with the other to men. "Briar run!" Her mother screamed causing her to jump and run. She ran all the way to the airport. With the little money she had, she bought a plane ticket and took it all the way to her father in Freeridge, California.

"Don't let them get me papi." I started crying on my father shoulder. Grasping him tightly again. He's all I got. He's all I need right now. "Briar, You'll never see him again you hear me? I'm here princesa. Don't cry." He flattened my curly brown hair with his hand. He sat on the couch next to me placing my head on his lap. He continued to flatten my hair with his hands before I slowly started to drift off to sleep.

I woke up with a slide headache, mostly due to the trauma from yesterday, I was on the couch a light blanket was thrown over me. A small smile made it's way to my face. I havent been with my dad in over a year, and it was only for a few hours to bury my great grandma who'd passed. Now that I was here, I was safe. Secure. I heard light yelling in the front yard, getting up I open the door. No one paid attention to me as they were all focused on a girl hitting on a boy a few years younger than me. 

I gasped as the men around me called her a bitch and other things in spanish. Walking down I helped pull her off of the boy. She pushed us all away even the two boys who were here to help her. "Sorry sis, I was trying to help you. Don't be pushing me and shit." I said with a slight attitude causing her eyes to widen. She went on to continue to rant that her friends were dead to her which confused me more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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