Hiro's past: part two

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The next part will be the last and then this book will be finally done.

I know this surprise was not that great but I thought it would be nice to get to know your yandere a little better.

Please enjoy this chapter and I hope you have a nice day.


A tall man with dark brown hair and a young boy who looked just liked him walked in to a forest that was known for its hidden monsters, or so they say.

It was night. No light could be seen in the forest, not even the moon nor the stars could get pass the trees that blocked the way.

The tall male could see, not like he could in the day but he could see where he was going all the same.

He was trained to do this. Trained to see through the dark in the case that his "love" would ever be lost and needed his help.

Just like his father did this with him, he is now doing with the young male besides him.

"This is far enough hiro"

They both stopped, right in the middle of the forest, where no light, sound or people in range could find them.

The young male stopped. He could not see anything but could see that there was a figure in front of him. He knew that this was his father and knew that he should not be afraid.

"Now, hiro do you know why you are out here?"

"Because I need to learn to be able to see in the dark"

"And why is that?"

"In the case that my "love" will get trapped or lost and needs my help to come and get her"

"Good. Right then hiro, I am going to teach you like my father teach me, and so on"

"Yes father"

"Good. Now hiro, I want you to stare right at that tree"

"What tree?"

"Turn your head left.....a little more.....good, I want you to keep starring at that tree until you can see it"

"Yes father"

"Now.....let's begin!"

Got hours the young male stare right ahead of him, not moving at all. Doing whatever his father tells him to do.

After more hours but yet the sun was not coming up for some hours to come, the young male started to see....something.

"Is there a heart on the tree father, with yours and mothers name on it?"

"Yes there is, it seems like you eyes are finally starting to allow your body to adapt to the darkness. That's good."

"A bit more of the tree is starting to become clearer"

"Good. Right hiro tonight's lesson is done, let us go home"

"Yes father"

As the boys walked away from the forest. The young male had a question he wanted  answered.


"Yes hiro"

"Why did we leave the forest? I thought I was meant to stay there until I could see like you?"

"Baby steps my child. If you rush this hiro you will damage your eyes and that will be no good to you now will it?"

"No father"

"So, we will keep doing this even after you can see because if you stop doing this your eyes will become normal"

"Yes father"

"Good, now lets go and see if your mother is asleep"

"I am surprised that you left mother alone"

"Hahaha don't worry hiro, even if your mother did run, she won't get far"

"How so?"

"I have a tracker on your mother so I know where she is at all times"

"I see"

For days this went on.

Going out in to the forest. Starring at a tree until the young male could see. And then going home once he could.

After one week of doing his training, the young male could now start and see in the dark, no a much as his father but enough to start walking around without light.

"Right hiro, tonight we will be going on a detour around the forest"


"This should help you with your eyes and as well as your other senses"

"How so?"

"This part of the training will help your ears. This is because the forest is so quiet and nothing can be heard, unless you can hear the was quitters of noises"

"Yes father"

"Let us begin"

More days.
More hours in to training.
More time spent in the forest.

As weeks went by, not only could the young male could know see in the dark and could pick up the tiniest of sounds.

"Hiro your training is now done however, we will be going in to the forest every night for 2 hours to make sure that your new skills are still the same and that they don't go back to the way they were"

"Yes father"

And so they did.
Ever night for years, until the young male left home, they did this. They went in to the forest for hours to make sure the skills that hiro learned were not wasted.

Even now, he still does and who would have thought that the young male will grow up to use them. And teach his child the skills he too will one day learn.

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