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ok so ik this is late but i jsut wanted to clearefy some things about Y/N. first off most of the things that happened to him happened to.... me in real life.... i just dont want to talk about it so i thought 'write it down and see what to do' so thats what i gotta do and i like it making stories is fun anyway BIO INCOMING!!!!

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Semblance: Unknown ( Yet )

Inherited Semblance : Megalo ( Basicly sans the skeletons powers. Healing factor, Energy Control, Enhanced Durability/Stamina. 

Fetishes: NONE not even one

Weapon's : Sword, Bow, Rifle, anything but blunt weapons or greatswords, or axe's

Love interests: Ruby Rose....

Friends : Crash, Jasper, Jesse, Rohan, Claudia, Omega.

Like's: Cheese, having fair fights, upgrading stuff, hanging around with friends, Card games, almost any tactical thinking game. Swimming, Flying.

Dislikes: Lieing, almost every vegetable, people hurting his friends, someone talking shit about his uncle, Giant Spiders, Talking with Dante about ruby.

Basicly Y/N hates people hurting his friends and tries to protect them, you can call him overprotective but that's just how he is, his weakness can be his fair play he never plays unfair but if someone pisses him off, lets just say your worst off then Chara in Chapter 9, he likes playing with his team but he also pulls pranks whenever he can, he also try's to stay in touch with his parents. but his dad is another story lets just say his dad is THE WORST at making jokes, aside from that he doesnt do anything naughty he just doesnt for a good reason...... but hey why spoil it all on the bio anyway, his sword play is good but he is a good Fist to fist fighter unarmed ya know, also he has 1 big secret and 1 HELL of a secret it is, memo to me NEVER DO THAT FIGHT IN THIS ya know 2014 28 dec RIP Un JV

Thats it for the bio now imma take a rest for some inpiration and some destiny gameplay cuz i just want to get that ONE Exotic to drop or the quest for it 

if you wanna support me on this and also on yt here is the link thats it                                     hope you all have a fantastic day

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