Leaving Part 2

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Kathy sat in the passenger side of yet another Hummer, wrapped in a parka Skein had grabbed."What is with you wolves and Hummers?"She muttered grumpily.

   "They do well in this climate,"Skein answered, never taking his eyes off the road.

    Kathy glanced at him briefly, then looked out the passenger window.Her mind wandered to a certain tall, dark, gorgeous werewolf that she do desperately wanted to see, yet longed to stab in the hand with a butter knife at the same time.....funny how that temptation seemed to apply only to him.

       Daniel waited until Skein pulled away from the drive way before picking up his phone again. "I need to speak with you." He listened to the voice on the other end."No not necessarily right this minute, just in the next hour would be good. "Ending the call, he immediately dialed another number waited for an answer, a voice came on the line.  "Stall,"was all he said.

      He shook his head and chuckled. Elizabeth was going to have his head for meddling, but he was Alpha. Meddling was his job to do and damn was he good at it.

       Kathy sat on the plane, drinking coke that Skein had brought for her as she waited for the runway to be cleared.

     She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Her mind wandered to Bryant and Natalie's Bonding Ceremony. Where her life changed forever when Dr.Mendez had described that the blood test runned for her had come back abnormal. As in not human blood.

    Kathy heard a car door slam, which brought her back to the present. She tapped her fingers impatiently ,"What could be taking so fucking long?". She looked out the window and froze. Where there had only been one black Hummer ,there are two. No way, She thought. It's not him. Daniel has like a million black Hummers. She had long decided it was a wolf thing.

Kathy got up and tried to go to the exit but walked into a solid wall. "Ummph"Kathy grunted, then she froze. She knew that smell. Great, she thought, there I go with the smell thing again. But she did know that smell: woodsy, spicy, and male. A very, VERY pissed off male. She took a step back and slowly rose get chin to see the gave of the wolf who has haunted her memory for the past two months.

"Going somewhere, Katherine?"Phoenix asked, eyes narrowed and lips drawn tightly.

Katherine Gulped.


I'm so Mean to you guys lol.

I'm like updating once a month and that's horrible.I'll see if I can update quicker but honestly I have major writersblock. Well Vote and comment are highly appreciated!! Much love__THEAWKWARDPUFFERFISH (i can't this is absolute crap)

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