A New Man

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Jenna's POV

"So where are we going?" Meryl asked as I started the car.

"Whiskey Mist." Sharna responded.

"Why!? I don't like to go there." Meryl sounded like a whining three year old.

"Because there's a surprise there for you." Sharna and I looked at each other and giggled.

Meryl rolled her eyes and continued looking out the window.

At Whiskey Mist...

We led Meryl to the dance floor and everyone was having a lot of fun. Nene and I soon noticed that there was this really gorgeous guy checking Meryl out and she was totally oblivious to it.

"Mer, you see that guy?" I nodded my head to the tall handsome man with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah, he's been staring at me all night! It's kinda weird." Peta rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Bathroom, now." She grabbed our hands and drug us to the restroom.

"That guy is totally checking you out! You need to talk to him! I mean he's really hot." Meryl just shook her head at Peta's words.

"No, I'm not like that. I've never done that before. I've never done this before."

"You'll probably never see him again! Just go!" I pushed Meryl into the man and they instantly clicked.


"Look at them! He's getting really close to her!!!" Nene screamed over the loud music. The man and Meryl were sitting by themselves on the couch whilst the other girls were dancing on the floor.

"I've never seen her flirt like that!" Sharna yelled.

"It's because she's drunk." Peta and I said at the same time.

Danica, being the most responsible one in the group, looked concerned.

"Just make sure she gets home safe and doesn't make any decisions that she'll regret in the morning." We could barely hear Danica over the blaring music. We all nodded and watched Meryl move onto his lap.

But, I love you...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon