Avengers (Thanksgiving)

Start from the beginning

"I'm still half full, but a certain someone just walked through the doors, maybe you could offer her one?" You playfully bumped him as Pepper walks into the compound. "...Go get her."  He nods, giving you a quick hug before heading off.

"We'll save you a spot at our table!"

"Looking forward to it!" You chuckle. When he's out of sight you head to the back of the room, you had to see how a certain director was taking this. When he comes into view, he's just as straight faced as ever. You grab a drink for him as you head over. "Happy Thanksgiving, Director Fury." he looks to you and you hand him the drink, he takes it from you, nodding in thanks. "How are you taking all of this?" You ask, motioning to the crowd.

"Have to admit, it's not something I'm used to."

"I would assume so. But you can't tell me you're not enjoying this? Loosen up a little bit." He shoots you a glare that makes your smile fall and your face go pale. He suddenly chuckles at your reaction and a small smile comes to his face, something you've never seen before.

"Gets them every time... I'm messing with you, Agent." He swirls his drink. "Now go enjoy yourself." He puts on a straight face again as he takes a swig. "I'll be keeping a close eye on everything."

"Alright, Director. I'll loop around again at some point to check on you."

"That's not necessary Agent, but I appreciate it. Thank you."

"Anytime Director." You head off, stopping at each little get together the Avengers we're having amongst each other and the other agents of the compound. Everyone seemed so at peace, no worry of upcoming missions grazed their minds, no fear of possible attacks taking place, just this moment in time was all that mattered. The only thing that made you upset was knowing that after tonight it would end and things will go back how they usually are...

You push that thought from your mind as Steve comes to you. "Hello, Yn! Happy Thanksgiving!" He hugs you tight.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Steve! How's your night going so far?"

"It's going great! But I got a little problem." Your brows furrow.

"What's wrong?" He chuckles lightly.

"You see the "kids"—" he motions to Bucky and Sam. "Are getting hungry and won't stop asking when the food will be out." You giggle before checking your watch.

"You know what, now's a good time to bring it out. Could you go tell Tony it's time? I'll go help the servers, he can announce it."

"Sounds like a plan." The two of you go your own ways, you enter a back room where the servers and chefs should be. The sight of ants the size of large dogs with serving trays strapped to their heads throws you off. You jump at the sight as a shriek slips past your lips. Scott enters the room just in time to see your reaction.

"Hey, Yn!"

"Christ, Scott! What's all this about? Where are the human servers?!"

"Oh, Tony couldn't hire many since it's the holidays so I offered to help."

"Do the guests know?!"

"Ummm... Yes...?" He says, very much unsure.

"Dear god. They don't know?!"

"H-hey! They might! You don't know if Tony said anything!"

"I'm going out there and I'm making sure, you stand at the door and I'll give the signal when it's okay." You dash out of the room and head towards the billionaire. "Hey uh, Tones? Did you happen to tell our guests about the um... servants that will be waiting on them?"

"What about them?"

"Tony," you lower your voice to a whisper. "They're giant fucking ants..!"

"Wait a minute they're... crap, I didn't think Scott would have taken me seriously! He actually brought in ants?!" You nod vigorously. "Well, this night just got more interesting."

"I'm going to tell everyone."

"Hey hold on now, don't give them all the details, make it a surprise."


"Come on, you can't tell me you're not curious about the out come? Just keep it vague, don't flat out tell them it's ants!"

"Stark, this could ruin tonight."

"Or it could make it even better." You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Just do this this one time, come on."

"Fine..." you head to the center of the room and clear your throat. The people slowly go quiet and give you their full attention. "Hello everybody, I'm glad all of you could make it. Now, I know you're all hungry and food will be out momentarily, but there is something I must warn you about when it comes to who will be serving you... they're not exactly... traditional..." you rub the back of your neck nervously. "Please don't be alarmed when you see them. Scott, if you'd please..." When those words left your mouth, you instantly know who were the people who had access to his files. Some went pale faced while others had a face of confusion.

"Here they come, Yn!" He opens the door and they all come scuttling out of the room. Some people screamed, others stared on in awe, while the kids bounced in their seats excitedly. It's not everyday you see something like this...

Tony is laughing at all of the people who are afraid, while you go from table to table in order to help those people who are too scared to even move from their seats to grab their food. One woman fainted on you twice at the sight of such huge ants. Each person you apologized to as you passed and gave them their food. When everything is said and done, the ants are sent back to the room. "Sorry for that everyone! I wasn't informed about this when it started." The commotion slowly starts to die down. "Thank you all again for coming, please enjoy the food, and have a happy Thanksgiving!" The clatter of people talking picks up again as the commotion caused by the ants dies down and you head to your spot that Tony had marked with his jacket. You seat yourself down  across from Tony, surrounding yourself with the presence of all the other Avengers.

The night was ending how it had started, with a peacefulness and a sense of joy amongst everyone. The only difference now was the giant bug hiding under the table waiting for scraps. You toss it some bread and it lays at your feet like a dog. A wide smile spreads on your lips as stories are shared among the group you were lucky to be apart of.

"Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!"

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