Chapter 1: Eight Months Later

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They heard the chime for the front doors opening, allowing an entry programmed into the security system. Markus thought that maybe it was Phillip returning from outside, but then recalled that he was upstairs.

The AP700 had been his replacement since the events that took place eight months ago. And although he was a deviant as well thanks to Markus, he was still dedicated to his serving of Carl. Markus was able to come visit Carl plenty, but his role within his people didn't allow him to stay here at all times, when Carl needed care 24/7. And so, Markus was thankful for Phillip to provide that, and they talked through mind messaging a lot concerning Carl's care.

"Hey Dad! Hey Markus."

The doors to the den opened and Leo Manfred entered with a few brown paper sacks. Carl spun in his wheelchair to face his son. He smiled as he watched Leo move to the dining table to set the bags down. Markus grabbed the painter's wheelchair and pushed him over to Leo.

"I was starting to think you got lost," Carl said, his tone playful.

Leo laughed, pulling some items out of the paper sacks, mostly food. Markus analyzed Leo, a quick scan he habitually ran with anyone he met up with for the day. He was still clean, had been clean off Red Ice for eight months now. He wore relaxed fit jeans, a blue shirt and boots.

In the eight months that had passed since Markus pushed Leo and sent him to the hospital, he had cleaned up and worked really hard at mending his relationship with his father. He came over every day to help take care of Carl. Markus was relieved. There was no more hostility between him and Leo, although Leo was still nervous with trying to bond with Markus at times. They were getting better though.

"Nah, just your typical overcrowded Detroit supermarket," Leo replied. "So, was thinking. Fish...I got salmon. Some steamed veggies on the side. Oh, and rice."

Carl shook his head. "You sure have been on a healthy food kick lately."

"We have to clean up your diet, Dad. Come on. It will be good, I promise."

"He is right. You have been eating too many carbs lately," Markus added.

Carl smacked Markus in the side. "Don't tag team me."

Leo pulled another item out of a bag. It was a bottle of scotch, and he walked it over to his father. "Well, picked this up for you."

Carl brightened, taking the bottle. "Ah, my favorite. Thank you, son. We can enjoy some of this after dinner."

Leo grinned. "You know it."

The doors to the den slid open once more and then Phillip entered. The AP700 android wore a white suit, his LED flashing blue as he came over to Markus, Carl, and Leo. He smiled in greeting, his hands clasped in front of him.

"Oh hello, Leo. I didn't hear you come in."

"Hey Phillip," Leo said, nodding his way. "Yeah, just got back from the supermarket."

Phillip turned to Carl. "Carl, it is time for your bath and dose of medication."

"Already?" Carl said, looking at his watch. "I guess you would know best, Phillip."

"If you go right now, you can be done in time for dinner," Markus stated, sparing Carl a smile.

"Yeah, yeah," Carl mumbled, nodding to Phillip. He handed the bottle of scotch to Markus.

The android caretaker took the handles of the wheelchair and guided Carl out of the den. Markus and Leo watched them go. Markus scratched his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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