Chapter Two: How...?

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Your P.O.V.

"Ha! You must be kidding..!" I started laughing until I saw his face, it looked serious.

Silence surrounded the atmosphere.

"All my life I have been looking for you... what happened?" I asked him, in a tone I never thought I would have used.

Bill sighs, "Well kiddo, it's better if you don't know..."


"But what you should know is that, you don't have a mom." Bill winks at me, at this point I don't even know what he's doing with his eye.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain coming from the scar.

Bill's P.O.V.

After I winked, (Y/N) started to scream out loud. Yellow goop coming out of her eyes and mouth.

I know pain his hilarious but... she's my child. I need to help her. I just don't know what to do... I haven't been a father for quite a long time.

The moment my thoughts finished, she passes out.

"I need to get her back home." I said to myself.

I held her and we both teleported back to what I call 'home'.


Your P.O.V.

Hey wake up! It's time to get up, (Y/N). You owe me that platter of pancakes!


What do you mean you 'Don't remember anything'?! Well, I guess I might've forgotten to give THIS back to you.


Ehehe, fine. I'll give this back to you, IF you get me those pancakes.


YAAAY! Come on let's go- oof!


Aw, -, you adorable, chubby pig. But I'll be heading out with (Y/N), she owes me pancakes! I'll play with you later, promise!

I wake up, seeing the same old ceiling I see everyday.

'It's that dream again.'

I sigh, deciding whether I should get my ass up or just stay in bed. In the end I decided to get up.

I headed towards the bathroom and washed my face. I stare at the mirror, my two yellow eyes being the highlight of my face.

'I really do look like Bill...'

Going towards the closet I open it wide open, picking a couple of outfits to wear.

I ended up with a (F/C) off shoulder top, (A/C) ripped jeans, and (F/C) sneakers. To top it off, I tied my hair up into a ponytail.

I looked myself in the mirror, "Jeez, I look old... I mean, I am turning 15 in a couple of days."

I got out of my room and just stranded around, 'Who was that girl in my dream?' I asked myself.

'She looks familiar, a brunette with a pink sweater that has a shooting star in the middle...', I open the door in front me and quietly went inside.

Locking the door behind me, I headed straight towards the globe that was placed in the center.

Holding the globe, I thought of the dream once more. The empty room around me suddenly turned into a forest.

I let go of the globe and walked around, wandering in the strange place I'm in.

From a distance, I see a peculiar structure. I ran towards it out of my curiosity.

Before I ran any further, a bus stops right in front of me. I peeped at the entrance of the bus and see a lot of tourists heading towards the 'Mystery Hack', which seemed to be the name of the establishment.

After all the tourist got out of the bus, two brunettes got out of the bus. I walked right in front of them, observing them.

They seemed to be twins. The boy wore a blue hoodie with an orange shirt underneath, black pants and blue sneakers. He also had a cute little pinetree on his cap.

'He seems familiar...' I thought feeling my face get hot, maybe because the room doesn't have much air.

The girl, on the otherhand, had star-shaped earrings, a pink sweater with a white shirt that has a shooting star on top, a blue skirt, and dollshoes with high-knee socks. She also had short hair with a little side ponytail.

'She seems familiar too...'

"DIPPER!" the girl screams at, who she calls, Dipper, "IT'S SUMMER AGAIN!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EVERYONE!!!"

The girl smiles at Dipper, but he on the otherhand, looked sad, "Yeah... I guess it is, huh..."

The girl gave him a pitiful look.

"Aw.. Dip. I know you miss her, we all do. But you know she would be upset if you act like this!" Mabel playfully hits her brother, "Come on, let's be happy for (Y/N)."

Dipper chuckles a bit, "Okay fine, Mabel. Let's do it, for (Y/N)."

As they walk into the building, the whole scene returns back into the empty room.

Confusion on my face, I then say without a thought, "How do they know my name...?"

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