chapter 4 is a cunt

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Do I have to swear in every single chapter. Yes, I fucking do.

When the reader has the mouth of a sailor. -I really am a fucking hypocrite-

When the readers boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever in between
cheats on them. And they get all depressed. But get back to fucking gether.

When you can't reach that word count you set for yourself

When the reader is a neko, wolf, Fox or something like that.

Having the reader gets so in denial about having a crush.

When the reader has depression, anxiety, anorexia, abusive parents, bullys and still no one will notice.

When the reader knows how to fight. EVEN THOUGH IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GODDAM STORY.

When you find one really good story, that has tons of reads. BUT THEN YOU FINISH AND CAN'T FIND ANYMORE OF THAT SPECIFIC CHARATER.

When everyone hates the charater you like.

When the charater (most probably of an x reader) be like
Your hot, but that doesn't mean I like you. You mean nothing. And if you wasn't so hot I would kick that pretty little face in


When it moves to fast. They meet. And then boom. They now have a child.

That's all for today folks

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