Number shitting 2

12 1 0

When the reader is mean to a mean friend in a badass way.
Yeah, (y/n) is kind of a slut.
Yeah? Well you have man Tits.
Sis, this is why you have no friends.

When they choose ya goddam outfit. When they just have (prom dress) or (must be skirt/ dress) I don't mind, because they give you the freedom to choose! Not when it's like I wore black ripped jeans and a t-shirt that says "I'm a tomboy, so treat me like I'm special" on it.

When the 'mean girl' always wear/act/ or are a slut. Like fam, in my school the mean girl are the smartasses that judge you.

Which brings me to my next point, I hate it when the reader is always smart as fuck, incredible at gaming. And always beats everybody at everything. HOE! I WILL SNATCH THAT WIG OF YOURS!

That's all folks.

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