Chapter one

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It was a rather sunny day. Well, as sunny as Britain could be. Spring was sure to be coming soon by the large amount of shrivelled up, dead blossom petals which were scattered across the road like confetti.

Kat was strolling to school slowly with her friend, Lucy. Lucy was much taller than Kat. In fact, Lucy was much taller than a lot of people. She had long, dark hair which she let dangle effortlessly by her rather tanned and elegant fave. Lucy was sweet to Kat, however she was also very loud. Very very loud indeed.

"Ok, so she was like, 'No way' and I was like 'Yes! I know it's soooo weird, isn't it?' And then her cousin's best friend's neighbour was like 'I don't believe you! you lied about that one thing that one time' and then I was like..." Allowing Lucy to continue chirping on about unimportant things, Kat just gathered in her surroundings. She hadn't been outside for a while so the fresh air was refreshing on her pores. The slight chill in the air stung a little at her nostrils, but that didn't seen to bother her. Things were... better.

"Oh and this one time... Kat, are you listening to me?"

"Huh?" Kat's head snapped to her friend quicker than she was snapped back into reality.

"You're a thousand miles away. Is something wrong? Talk to me if there is."

"I'm fine, honest."

"No.. Funny feelings again?"

"Look, I'm better than I used to be. so stop bringing it up." Seeing the hurt expression in her best friend's face made Kat realise that might have been too harsh. Shit.

Lucy's bottom lip began to quiver, as per usual. She tried her best to hide it, but not hard enough. Something inside made her want her friend to see what she did. Again, this is the usual for Lucy.

"I only asked! Why do you have to be so cold all the time? Do you know what I do for you? How much I worry about you?.." Kat switched off as her friend continued to rant about how nothing she does is appreciated. That girl should be doing drama because she is giving an oscar winning performance right here.

"You still aren't listening. Are you." Kat smiled guiltily, receiving a small shove from her. "Have you been online recently?"

"No. You know I don't have a computer seeing as my last one blew up."

"Dude, you have to check this new website out! You can talk to people all over the world and they can be anyone! I do it all the time."

"Sounds dumb."

"Then you will definitely love it, won't you." Lucy giggled playfully as her Kat shot her a short glare. They continued to exchange their odd thoughts that made sense in the moment all the way to school until they reached their different classrooms.

"Ugh why do you have to be in another class to me?"

"Because, you failed the last test so you have to be in a lower class. How many times have we had this conversation?" Kat said with a bored expression.

"Hmm.. how many times have I walked you to class?"

Kat's head shook as she giggled at this remark, pulling her friend into a right hug. Eventually waving her off, Kat entered her 'normal' classroom and moved over to her 'normal' desk. Why does everything have to be so 'normal'? Oh yeah, because if it wasn't something might occur and that 'something' is not a 'something' we want happening.

'Ah well, it could be worse' Kat was thinking to herself, 'I could be unconscious, in a closet filled with snakes and scorpions with my organs removed.' scrunching her nose at this thought, Kat was flashed back to her 'normal' lesson by the school bell ringing. Freedom. Finally.

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