Part/Chapter 5: Game Over....

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i couldn't think of a creative chapter name so here, have a reference to my name.

Vale Dockyard

one minute i'm in my room arm wrestling with Sledge, and he won all 69 games by the way, and then the next thing I know, me and him were being dragged to Vale by Team RWBY, did not realize Weiss and Ruby are this strong. Oh and Sledge's face is buried in Yang's cleavage, for some reason.

anyways, Weiss is rambling on about the Vytal Festival, which me and Sledge do not know about, and then this monkey dude drops a banana peel on some guy's face, runs away, and winks at Blake while running away, well ain't that swell. Fuck It. Time For Me To Be A Total Jackass And Block The Path For The Coppers & Sailors.

I Slid in front of the Coppers with my shield up, and also pointing one of my "Borrowed" Deagles, Sledge came in after me to pull out his Sledgehammer and Positioned himself next to me. I heard the monkey dude yell 'thanks' or something like that, his pursuers are long gone. And by that I mean me and Sledge beat the shit out of them, I Detroit Smashed my shield onto a detective's face, then kicked the other detective's ballsack, I Watched Sledge as he takes down the 4 sailors, the sailors were built like black bears, but Sledge puts them all to shame, they try to overpower Sledge by attacking all at once, but Sledge just smacked all of them away with his Sledgehammer.

And i just realized we beat up a couple of cops.

Y/N: Sledge! Let's Fuckin' Book It! *grabs shield and runs away unknowingly to the docks, not before caving a sailor's face in*

Sledge, being the 6"4', 220 pound man he is, heard me and then knocked out another cop, I can't say I liked beating up cops, but I'm a member of Team's kinda in my job description. We ran away from the scene that just happened, leaving Team RWBY Behind, as we were running back to beacon, a Bullhead started chasing up, and some dude with a rocket launcher shot the rocket at us, it didn't sting as much as Buck's frags, but it hurts kind of like Zofia's Impacts....for Sledge. I on the other hand got hit like a 6"8', 260 pound bear of a man named Austin launched his fist towards my face at full force. Well what do you expect from a recruit? I'm not built like a Bear like Sledge is, and after the explosion happened i got a big fucking hole on my side. how you ask? Shrapnel. I honestly think Doc can't stitch this one up....welp, this is the end of me.....

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Y/n: Ah Fuck Me.

Another Lost Life, honestly, I feel that this game can predict the future somehow. I just can't put my finger on it, my thoughts were interrupted by Weiss screaming-no, bashing me in the face with her flat fookin chest, while Yang was cheering her on, Blake was reading her smut filled book, and Sledge was telling Ruby anout some embarrasing things that happened before i got here, like that one time Maverick made Mac n' Cheese and I decided to put an extra .50 caliber bullet inside the pot. For flavor. Or that one time I shot Ela in the ass in a simulation, needless to say, Zofia was pissed, IQ liked it, probably because she had a rivalry with Ela*COUGH COUGH*ass comparing*COUGH COUGH*, and everyone else laughed their asses off.

Then there I spied with my little goggle-wearing eyes, a monkey faunus being chased down by coppers and sailors. Time For Me To Be A Total Jackass and Ruin The Faunus Hating Posse's Day.

I pocketed my Nindonko 3DustS and called Sledge after pushing Weiss off me, grabbed my shield and drawed my 5.7 Pistol, Rushed to the point where Monkey Boy threw a banana peel on the cop's face, and the Slam-*SMASH*-Dunked my shield onto a sailor's face, Sledge followed suit as he smashed his sledgehammer into a detective's face, Piledrived a Sailor to the point that the sailor's unconcious for a few hours, and then acted like a Bulldozer from one of the games I played by pulling out his shotgun and said something like:

Remnant To Y/N? (R6 Recruit Reader x RWBY)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora