First Day

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Emma POV

This summer has been so uneventful.

I was hoping there would be action. Something exciting. Nada. The best I got was a magic fight with my dad. For practice.

The first day of school. Daniel is at my locker. He walks away. A small note is sticking out. I picked it up, and read it a million times.

Meet me at our spot at 5. -Danny.

Awesome. Seeing Daniel just made me light up. Andi walked over and took the note from my hands.

"Really Em. You're freaking out about this." She said. She was bouncing up and down excitedly. It was really freaking me out.

"Why so jumpy." I asked.

"I'm freaking out. Jax asked me out." She said.

"That's great. Did you say yes."

"I said I'd think about it. I wanted to talk to you because you dated him last year. I wanted to see if that was okay."

"You've been training to much with Maddie. Of course. I'm totally over him. I love Daniel. Duh."

Andi looked convinced. "Okay." She walked away. Was she mad at me...

I didn't have time to think. I hurried to my class. And then suddenly I felt like I had to go to the nurses office. Lily.

Lily was waiting inside. She closed the door behind me. She wrote something on a slip of paper.

You need to get the others and leave. Anyone who has magic at the school. Ill meet you at the 7.

I walked back out. I decided to grab them now and all bunk. I walked into Daniel's class and told the teacher that he was needed at the hospital. He ran out of the room.

"Emma. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. Grab the others with magic including Diego. I'll grab my dad. Lily said it was an emergency and to all meet her at the 7."

"Okay. Lets go." He said.

We all met Lily at the 7.

Lily POV

How was I going to tell them. That spell was sure to work 2 years ago. How could she be back.

"What's the emergency Lily." Emma asked.

"The principal...shes...back."

"What. How is she back." Daniel said. Emma rubbed his shoulder. They all had to think about everything that had happened.

"What do we do." Said Mac. The others weren't far behind them.

I even had to think about that one. Several gaurdians were out hunting her. Julio didn't know yet. Julio.

We turned him back to a frog. I used the located spell. A frog appeared in front of me. I turned him human.

"Lily?" He asked.

"Julio. Shes back." He gulped.

Emma POV

It looked like I was going to get my exciting year. It wasn't going to be what I expected, but I'll take what I can get.

I took the second day off of school. Danny and I pretended we were sick because we didn't get our night last night.

When I got to our spot, a picnic was set up.

"Oh Danny..."

"I know. Its a little much. The flowers are out of season so I had to use magic and..." I cut him off with a kiss.

"That was a nice way to tell me to shut up."

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