chapter 2 ;)

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She welcomed us in and closed the door.

"I'll give you a tour" She started walking ahead of us as we followed her. She took us to a room that seemed to be a kitchen. It had marble counters, white cabinets, a silver stove, and a black wooden table with chairs all around it.

"This is the kitchen" she said, gesturing around the kitchen. She moved on to different room in a long, light-filled hallway. The door had the words 'Ms.Janet's Office.'

"Here is my office. If I'm not around, i'll be in here" She opened the door and told us to come in. She shut the door behind us and turned to face us.

"Since your already here, why don't you fill out documents for Sophie,"she said to Winnie. Winnie nodded and sat on the nearest chair. Ms. Janet moved swiftly around the desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a file with my name on the front of it. She grabbed a pen from the top of the desk and slide it over to Winnie. Winnie opened th file, read it over, and wrote stuff down about me and' family information' as Winnie told me.

Once she finished, she slide it back over to Ms.Janet and layed back in her seat, slightly bitting her lip. Ms.Janet looked it over and nodded. She put the file away and closed the drawer.

"Well, it's official! Welcome home, Sophie, or until Winnie takes you back" I shrank back when she said My Home. It might be pretty and nice will never be my home......period. I looked over at Winnie, who was already looking at me with tears beaming in her eyes. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes started to water.I ran to her and hugged her.

That's when the water works started shooting from my eyes again. Ms.Janet left the room to give us time to say goodbye. However, I didn't want Winnie to leave, nor will I ever. I wanted her with me but I know she can't. We hugged for another moment and broke apart.mWe looked at each other, tears streaming down our faces. She took my hand and walked us out of the room. We walked in silence to the living room, where we found Ms.Janet and the girls seated. We walked over to the couch, where Winnie then sat my stuff down, and pulled me into her embrace again. I tried to stay strong but i was getting weaker by the second.

Winnie told Ms.Janet she had to go and I asked Ms.Janet if i could walk her out.She said of course and walked behind us. Once we reached the front door, Winnie and I turned to each other and and pulled into an embrace for one last hug. I whispered into Winnie's ear,"Please come back soon, I'll miss you. I love you, forever and always,"  giving me a small smile, Winnie pushed me away. She reached behind her neck to remover her necklace before replacing it on my own neck. As soon as the cold chain hit my neck, I shivered. I turned toward her again and gave a hug goodbye. Then she was off. I closed the door with one last thought...when will she be back for me?


Hey guys, sad chapter i know,aka Elizabeth wrote this chapter lol,yeah i hoped you liked it!Read my other stories!!!Follow the co-writers.Luv ya!!!

Co-writer 1~onedirecoitn

Co-writer 2~ Winnie1_d

~Elizabeth Winnie Kiana <3<3<3 Lots of love!!!

Edited by:onedirecoitn and vampire1dgirl

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