Chapter 6: "Annoying"...Right..?

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                                                                      Your Point Of View

The next day, I woke up...I had to get to school, once again. Great... As I was getting ready, I thought about what had happened the previous day; Kokichi followed me home, and I'm his "servant", I least he seems nice, but he's kinda shady, if you look at it in a different way. At times he'll act like a whiny child, then another time he'll want you to think he's some scary and evil guy.....he really wants me to fall for him, doesn't he?

I headed to school, trying to keep my mind off of everything for a bit; I don't want to get distracted from that boy all day. seemed that I might've been able to arrive to school a bit early? You know what that means, Kokichi will come to bother me more than I'd like him to, probably. Turns out I was right. I stood outside of the school for a bit before I could be bothered. Noticing a few other students around me, I hadn't seen Kokichi just yet. I never really talked to anyone else already because Kokichi wanted to drag me around everywhere...does he act like this around everyone? Anyway, I overheard a girl blathering about how much she hates men. "They're all disgusting degenerates!! I would NEVER want to go near him! Any of them, actually!!", she screamed. Huh. She must not get along with someone then... "Men are filthy and vain, pompous, arrogant idiots!!".....She really hates men.

Other students were gathered around her, watching her trash talk on guys who live in this world....She seems pretty immature, if you're asking me. But just as I thought that, I thought wrong, because of this. "Hey! Not all of them are dimwits!", a blonde haired girl shot back. Then, a guy decided to jump into this argument. "Yeah, Kaede's right! Don't be so dramatic over us!", the guy told her, looking at whoever that "Kaede" girl was. So, I now knew who that blonde girl's name was. Suddenly, the girl who was throwing her hissy fit over this went to the boy and Kaede, and punched him. "Shuichi, I don't need a degenerate's opinion! Now leave me alone!", she said as she walked off, away from them. Kaede instantly grabbed "Shuichi" and pulled him up. She was like "Ohmigod, are you okay Shuichi!?", or something like that. I didn't want to seem nosy to the couple of students, but I strided to them anyway.

"Sorry if it looks like I'm just crashing into your buisiness....But damn...That must've hurt, right?", I asked "Shuichi". "Oh! Y-yeah...It did. Thanks for worrying, I guess. What's your name?", he told me. "Y/N L/N, the Ultimate (Talent). Nice to meet you." They both introduced themselves as Kaede Akamatsu (Ultimate Pianist) and Shuichi Saihara (Ultimate Detective). "So, does that one girl always go around yelling about her hatred for men?", I asked. "Sadly, yes.", Shuichi said. "Ugh, Tenko, that girl.", Kaede sighed. Tenko, hmm...I should stay away from her then. "So, Y/N, aren't you friends with Kokichi?", Kaede asked. I hesitated to answer.... "Well, I guess you can say that we're...", but "you know who" ran up behind us and he wrapped his arms me. None other than Kokichi himself. "Heh, speak of the devil.", Shuichi mentioned. "Hiiiii Y/N, I missed you!!~", Kokichi cheered. Just at that moment, Tenko ran over to us once again, tackling Kokichi out of the way of him and I. "Degenerate, get off of her!! She doesn't want to touch your nasty body!!"

"I, Tenko Chabashira, the Ultimate Aikido Master will not let anyone be affected by men's actions!", she shouted at Kokichi. "You think he's annoying, right!?"

"Annoying"....That word stuck in my head, echoing repeatedly. I mean, he kind of is, but he's still someone who stands out more than the others. He can be energetic, yet mysterious...I didn't even bother to respond very well, but I let it out; "...A bit, but I don't have anything against him, I don't really think it's that bad." Kokichi smirked at me and said "See, she's falling for me already! Y/N is soooo nice!~"...I couldn't even tell if that was sarcasm or not. Kaede glared at Kokichi and I, she smiled a bit. "They're getting along fine, Tenko. Just leave it alone.", she told Tenko. "A girl and a guy can get along just fine, like Shuichi and I." "Whatever, lovebirds, have fun with that gross male, Kaede.", Tenko strutted away.

"You okay?", I looked at Kokichi. "Yep, perfectly fine!!"

"Now, Shuichi, Kaede, I'm gonna go hang out with my best friend right now!", Kokichi blurted out. "Huh!?", I let out. "Yeah, Y/N. You're my best friend, riiiiight?", he pestered. "Yeah, sure..." "Just kidding! That was a lie, idiot~", he lied. I didn't bare to say anything, once again. "But now I take that back! You really are my best friend~"...Now I was just confused. Now, my only choice was to be dragged around for that little moment with him. Don't wanna disappoint him...Cuz he's my "leader", or whatever he said all the time. He grabbed my hand and ran along with me...Well, it was mostly him, actually.

(DISCONTINUED) Vivacious - Kokichi Ouma X ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα