Me: Damn! He's correct the IMC may have got this too.

Predator: We are gonna have to send someone.

Sarah: I can send a drop ship there to see if we can find Richter and the others if they did crash lets hope that Leviathan still lives. We need to see what they did with it.

Zenithal: If they did get it. They're going to make that their next base. They are on a planet with life and people who don't know IMC capabilities.

Predator: Kid. Carnage never dies I bet he's alive. Slone would kill Simon slowly if he did die.

Me: That girl has issues.

Sarah: You do know im responding correct? This is being directed to Remnant.

Me: No! Don't send it!

Sarah: Got ya. Well lets respond.

Contact Panel: Recording now...

Sarah: This is Sarah Briggs of the Militia if you are getting this Richter we have a drop ship coming to search for you all. We got your message. The IMC did get this so be ready incase they show up there. If it's only you still alive it's up to you. You must teach the tribe how to fight the IMC till we arrive once we do the entire damn Militia will be their raining Titans. God speed to you Richter. Sarah Briggs signing out.

Me: Lets hope he got that.

Predator: Now lets prep for Titanfall.

Zenithal: Hell yeah!

We get ready for titanfall and the militia pilots embark their titans. The riflemen check their equipment and enter the pods.

Me: Sad memories.

Predator: He died a honorable death sir. It's not your fault.

Sarah: Do this for him Jack.

Zenithal: See ya on the other side guys.

Me: Yeah. Lets do this. Sarah give the mark.

Sarah: Sarah briggs to the militia fleets... Prepare for Titanfall.. Good luck everyone.

A few seconds after the riflemen drop Titans were raining from the sky as IMC cannons started firing.

Zenithal: This is our planet Simon!

Predator: Lets do this.

Sarah: Im tired of you Simon...

Me: We talken shit now? Well go fuck yourself Simon.

Pilot1: Reaching ground in 3.... 2.... 1

We all landed on the ground as we see IMC Titans running out of the IMC gates. Some of our very old mortar titans plant their cannons in the ground.

Mortar squadleader: READY. AIM.  FIRE!

All 100 Mortar shells land on IMC gates and cannons clearing us a way in. Now we have to protect them in order to get past the rest of the walls and Cannons.

Sarah: Good job. Protect the Mortars as we move up.

Predator: No problem.

Savage: Enemy infantry pushing as hostile titans are staying back.

Sarah: Legions use your smartcore on those infantry units.

Legions and savage: SMART CORE ONLINE

And there are the fireworks. All the IMC infantry are finished now IMC titans and Militia titans will make their move towards eachother.

Predator: Charge!

Gaurdian's Of Remnant [Titanfall x RWBY]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin