Yellow: The Universe's Gift

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Hey! Welcome to my soulmate!Peter fic :D 

I had a lot of fun writing this and sharing it over on tumblr, so I thought, may as well put it out over here too. I put a spin on the idea of colours appearing when you see your soulmate and I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out. I hope you like it too! I would love to hear any thoughts you have x



Everyone has one, according to the laws of the universe. That one person who fits you; complements your personality, works with you, understands you. Soulmates are the only thing remotely like fairy-tales that you could ever hope to experience. And you hate them.

Now, you might feel differently if you'd actually found your soulmate, but unfortunately for you, that hasn't been the case. In your long, measly seventeen-year existence, you've yet to bump into the one, despite your best efforts. On average, the universe introduces you to your person when you're sixteen, so already you're falling behind; and if you're being honest, having to watch your friends, and cousins, and classmates fall in love with their 'perfect fit' has been incredibly difficult for you. Watching from the sidelines is never fun.

So as you make your way down the dust-trodden streets of Queens, you can't help but kick at a stone a little half-heartedly. It's been an exceptionally long Thursday, full of end-of-year assessments, friendship drama, and having to listen to your best friend prattle on about how incredible her soulmate is. Though you're happy for her, there's only so many times you can listen to her wax poetic about the love of her life before it grows old.

And it's grown old. It's grown really old.

As you stare at the black and white streets of Queens, you can't help but sigh defeatedly.

Colour is... Well, first and foremost, it's difficult for you to describe what colour truly is. Another trick of the universe is that you only see in shades of black and white until you make a physical connection with your soulmate; as soon as contact is made, yellow blooms across your vision - or so you've been told. Following on from yellow, you gradually gain the other colours of the rainbow as you go through different relationship milestones together - orange for emotional connection; pink for intimacy; red...falling in love. The idea is that your world slowly starts to morph into completeness from the second you touch your soulmate.

But alas, no soulmate for you means no colours for your world, so you're left glumly kicking at grey stones as you walk home from school, your school bag weighing heavily over your back.

After around five minutes of mulling over your day in a bitter silence, you pull out your phone and slip your earbuds into your ears, trying to loosen up the stress in your body by listening to a relaxing playlist. Your fingers move over your phone screen as you face the indecision of which song to start with, and you find yourself so immersed in the selection that you become unaware of what's going on around you.

Just as you find the perfect song, you feel someone shove your side. Your phone vanishes from your fingers as you go tumbling down, your eyes snapping up just in time to see a mugger taking off down the street, your phone wrapped firmly in his grasp. A noise somewhere between a moan and a whine escapes your lips as you feel a mixture of pain and humiliation spread through you, accompanied by the disappointing realisation that you no longer have a phone.

You're about to start dusting yourself off when a development occurs. Down the street, you see a whizz of movement, hear a few yells, and before you know it, a suited figure is walking up the street towards you, your phone laying in his gloved hand. You can't do anything but gape as he approaches, your mind completely blank as he nears and your vision sharpens.


You feel starstruck. The guy from the news and the papers, the man so frequently plastered across your social media that you've practically memorised the contours of his suit, is here. He's standing in front of you, offering you your phone, and despite wearing a mask, you get the distinct feeling he's grinning.

"-Hello? Did you hear what I said? Ma'am, do you have a concussion? Do you need help?"

You clear your throat, realising you've been so distracted by Spider-Man that you've been completely ignoring him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," you murmur, eyes wide. "I'm okay, just- just kinda surprised."

He nods understandingly. "I get that," he mumbles. "That guy really came out of nowhere, huh?"

You nod meekly, feeling a warmth tickle your cheeks. You still can't quite fathom how he's here, in front of you, and find yourself grinning in spite of yourself as you think about how jealous your sister's gonna be when she finds out what happened.

"Thank you," you say, finally shaking yourself out of your daze. He kneels down beside you to deposit your phone on your knee, and you laugh quietly when he balances it there. "This phone means a lot to me, I'm not sure what I'd have done if I'd lost it."

He sits back on his haunches and offers you a hand, tilting his head to the side. "All in a day's work, ma'am," he chuckles. "If I can do something to help, I always will."

"Y/N," you correct, smiling widely. You reach up to take his hand. "Just call me Y/N-"

The moment you feel his fingers wrap around yours, the breath is knocked from your lungs. You blink furiously as a warmth tickles your heart, slowly spreading, inching out and blooming over the expanse of your chest cavity. You gasp for breath as you peer around, taking in the world in a new way.

A colourful way.

Yellow. You can see yellow. All around you: printed to billboards, painted on taxis, lighting up the sky - it's everywhere. The bright colour instils you with excitement and joy as you gaze around you, feeling your body tingle. You've found him. Your soulmate. He's-

He's backing away, his hands shaking slightly.

"Hey, where are you going?" You ask, voice wavering. You take a few steps to follow him, but find that only makes him hasten. "Can you- Can you see the yellow?"

He gives you a jerking nod. "Y-Yeah," he mutters, voice the epitome of terror. "I'm- I'm sorry, I've gotta go."

Your eyes widen as you realise he's about to vault up into the sky. "No, don't go!" You cry out, alarm shooting across your veins. "We're soulmates!"

He makes a noise somewhere between a squeak and a yelp. "I'm sorry," he whispers finally. He hesitates, and for a moment you think the pleading in your eyes has caused him to reconsider.

But then he's shooting webs into the air and he's off, swinging down the street, disappearing around a corner. And you're left alone, gaping, heart racing, wondering what you did wrong.

After a moment of flabbergasted shock, you pull yourself together. Pangs of hurt spread across your heart as you stare at the spot he was stood in just a moment prior. You groan into your hands as tears prick at your eyes.

What are you supposed to do now?


nothing like a cliffhanger to ring in the new chapter lol. hope ya liked it!

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