Staying Kowalski

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a/n: Hope you enjoy this, legit writing it because this is a slow burn romance and I'm legit just waiting with everyone else for this to fly. This story has shorter chapters than to what I'm used to, but it's my story and I don't mind. It's a fun one to write. One for my enjoyment and I just hope you like it :,).


"Well.." Newt started, hovering over the table. Tina looked over and sighed.

"It'd be illegal to keep you like this and here." She said, Jacob looked around with wide eyes, trying to understand why they were going to really do with him. Newt looked to Tina, the underlying feeling of flirt would never subside between them now, but neither were aware of it in the moment.

"But, you have no where to go otherwise. So I guess you can just stay with me until we go back to New York." Tina said, Newt's stomach dropped at that moment, looking away from her eyes because it would've hurt.

"Yeah, let's j-just keep you here." Newt said quieter. Jacob looked to him relieved, but sad. Newt shrugged, Jacob looked to Tina.

"Well, my employees are running the shop, and I'll be okay. I'm just-" "Avoiding the story of Queenie." Tina said, looking at her hands folded in front of her.

Jacob looked to her as if he were personally attacked, he blushed in sadness. Newt spurt up, going to get a tissue from the box on the counter and handing it to Jacob. Jacob blew into it aggressively, then Newt just threw the whole box in front of him to well up over. Tina looked down, wanting Newt to hold her and let her cry over her sister, who would be following orders to Grindelwald just because she wanted to be able to marry Jacob.

"It's okay, you know." Newt started, Tina looked to him with a look of 'no it isn't.' knowingly, as if he were mad. Jacob sniffed.

"How Newt?" He asked, sobbing.

"Well, she left because she only wanted to marry you." Newt said, Jacob just sobbed harder, and Tina put a finger to her lips to notion for Newt to be quiet.

"We'll get her back Jacob, she's my sister." She said, Jacob shook his head.

"I just need to get over her." Jacob declared, Tina looked to Newt with a dangerous look, Newt shrugged.

"I-I don't know." Newt said quietly, trying to really process what he saw the night before. 

The three sighed and looked at each other, other than Newt, who cupped his pocket with Pickett inside. The twig-like, leafy creature climbed out, standing in Newt's large hand and looked up at him solemnly, trying to smile. newt smiled at it, petting its' top leaves. Tina's head was going a million miles at a time, and Jacob just kept crying. Soon all of a sudden, and owl pecked at the window, a letter in its mouth. 

Newt went up to the window and opened it, grabbing the letter and looking at it in surprise. It was from America, and addressed to Tina. He gulped at the return address, unknowing who it was. He quivered as he walked over to her, placing the envelope carefully in front of her.

"It's from A-America." he said, Tina perked up, holding the letter, shaking, and opening it with the grace only Newt found appealing. She skimmed the letter, sighing at it and running her hands through her banged hair. Rubbing her eyes.

"It's... It's.." She said, Jacob looked up.

"Who is it?" He asked. 

"It's... him. He's dead. Grindelwald's followers killed him." Tina said, Newt looked to Jacob, who sighed and took Tina's hand.

"It's okay, you two were just starting out Tin." He said, Tina nodded, sighing.

"It's still upsetting." Tina said, mournfully. Newt looked down, eavesdropping one-hundred percent but just holding himself together.

"Newt?" She asked, Newt looked up, avoiding her salamander eyes.

"Y-yeah?" He asked, Tina sighed, and tried to reach for him mentally. His eyes finally met hers, and something passed between them.

"Are you okay?" She asked, Newt sighed shakily, making up his mind to nod it off.

"Yes." He said, solemnly. 

"Are you sure, what about Leta?" She asked. Newt looked away, unable to bring words to his mouth.

"Theseus will be okay." Newt said, Tina sighed.

"I was talking about you Newt. Are you okay?" She asked, the tension was building up now, and Jacob stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He declared, waddling to the hallway and finding the bathroom on his own. Tina sighed of relief and reached across the table for Newt's hand, opening her palm for him to grab onto. He stared down at it wide-eyed, realizing in moments of need Tina was very forthcoming.

"Are you okay?" She said, barely audible. He hesitantly put his hand into hers, a tear sliding down his face.

"I will be." He said, finally.

"I know." She said, Newt smiled at the site of the her eyes. They were giving him hope, that knowing glare that was more of an emotion than a glare at all.  

They stared, Newt tried to find words, but couldn't find them. 

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