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"You aren't aloud out of this room...ever. I refuse to lose you to that world like I lost your father"


Min Yoongi has never seen the sun light, he's never been to the ocean, felt rain beating down on his skin, he's never gazed at the stars in the sky, he's never learned how to drive in fact he's never seen a car, he's never met anyone but his mother and grandmother. He has never known anything but the basement in the depths of the earth.

His mother kept him locked away down here, how he wasn't sure because he expected he could do anything since he was the son of Hades. Hades was the greek god of the underworld, ruled over it in fact, and also just so happened to be his father.

Hades was father to many children as were the other gods and goddesses, and each year 10 children were born from each, how ever after eighteen years there only remained one. On his eighteenth birthday Yoongi is supposed to be taken away to Mount Olympus where he would meet the other nine children of Hades, his brothers and sisters, before beginning to train. He would have one week to prepare himself before being thrown into an arena with his siblings where only one would come out.

He had read a book that sounded similar once and wondered if perhaps the author was a goddess herself. He tried not to let the question bother him to much because there was no way he would ever be able to find out but the question always made it's way into his mind at some point during his day.

Due to the lack of windows and technology he had no idea when it was night or day. The basement that had become his home was filled with various artworks he had made and bookshelves filled with books. His kitchen counter was used for drying paintings rather than cooking or eating, his couch used to keep various things he sews and knits straight and from getting twisted, his bathroom for paper machete pieces.

The basement was filled to the brim with things that he desperately tried to do to keep him busy. Despite his father being the god of night and sleep, among a couple other things, he could never get much sleep himself leaving him feeling bored very often.

Yoongi was curled up in his bed a book held open with one hand while the other rests under his cheek. His grandmother had just gotten him this book on different battle techniques and such. Unlike his mother his grandmother knew that she couldn't stop this and wanted to prepare him as much as she possibly could.

He worked out and trained as much as he could with what he had. Kitchen knives, forks, the pole that held his shower curtains up, his knitting needles, anything he could find. He too wanted to prepare mainly so he didn't embarrass himself in front of all of the others not to keep himself alive. If he was able to he would've already killed himself by now, but only gods can be killed be other gods or goddesses, and he didn't want to break his grandmothers heart.

He finishes the sentence he's on before closing the book and dropping it on the bed besides him. He was tired of reading and he was especially tired of reading books on combat. They all said the same thing just in different words, and half of the information was useless.

He pushes himself up off of his side his eyes finding the calendar next to his bed immediately finding one certain date this month that he had circled. His birthday was three days away, or at least that's what he thought, which meant that it was three days until he got to leave this place and be free from his controlling mother.

He wasn't looking forwards to leaving his grandmother but he couldn't deny his excitement to finally go out and experience the world for himself. He always read about different places but he's never seen them for himself all he had were images that he thought up himself. For all he knew the trees in his mind could be complexly different from the trees in the real world, and the same thing went for the rest of the world.

Yoongi rolled out of his bed and walked towards the bookshelf closest to his bed. His eyes trail over the worn spines of the books he's had the longest and read so many times he could recite each one word for word. He raises a hand palm facing all the books and it goes up in soft flames. The light from his hand reflected off of the worn leather on some books dully all except for one which shone brightly amongst the others.

He uses his other hand to pull it out before diminishing the fire on his right one. This book used to be a simple blank black leather bound book but now it was filled with his words and scribbles. He drew small drawings packed together on the pages and words written as small and as close together to conserve space. Some pages were torn, and some could probably fall out if one wasn't gentle going through it, it's spine was breaking, but still he hung onto it.

He kept this book because when he's taken away to Mount Olympus he would leave this for his grandmother hoping she could find some comfort in the words he wrote and pictures he's drawn. His mother would be devastated but she wasn't the one who raised him it was his grandmother who did, and he loved her more than anything.

He opens the book carefully to the very last page which he left blank just so he could write to her one last time. He had filled this book by the time he was twelve years old and had many others for each year, and sometimes one for each month, just like it. But to him leaving this one specific book with pages filled from when he was twelve and the single one written when he was seventeen is something his grandmother would find special.

Yoongi goes back to his bed feeling around the blankets and sheets before finally finding a pen and settling himself back down onto the mattress. He rests the book carefully on his left knee and begins to write carelessly spilling out what came to mind. He told his grandmother how afraid he was to leave her, and how he wasn't afraid to die. He told her of his excitement to see the real world that he's been deprived from. Lastly before signing off on the bottom he told her he loved her and that everything would be okay.


A/N: okay so the first chapter is sorta short but most of them will probably be like this just by the way. for this book I will be writing from Yoongi's point of view and I'll be honest we don't see a lot of the other members until a little later but just stick around and let me know what you think<3

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