"15 seconds."

I'm still dead. The zombies don't even smell me so I'm still dead. They didn't cure anything.

"10 seconds."

Shit! I ran for the door.

"3. 2. 1."

The building exploded and sent me flying. I landed in a pile of dead bodies, I turned my head and screamed when the body next to me had its eyes wide open. It wasn't a zombie though. It was just dead.

I watched the burning building. I was alive. So many emotions were running through me. Relief. Anger. Hope...

Only one thing was on my mind at the moment though. I needed to find others.

3 month earlier

I woke to the sound of screaming. I grabbed my gun and ran downstairs. I went to the back door and saw my mom outside by the garden and a zombie walking towards her. I grabbed the knife off the table and sprinted to the garden. I tackled the zombie to the ground and stabbed it in the head and it was dead.

I looked down at it and recognized her. Emma Janice. She was one of my friends. And now she's dead. They are probably all dead.

"Thats the 5th one this week." My mom sighed and continued picking vegetables. "It's getting dangerous here. We have already lost Lizzie.  We need to move on soon. Find other survivors and find someplace safe."

I didn't even think about it. "No. I'm not leaving yet. He hasn't come yet. He said he would come for me. He wouldn't leave me behind."

Decker Rodgers. My boyfriend, love of my life, my best friend, call him what you want. Last time I saw him was when it started. That was a month ago. He said he would be back. He said he was going to round up his family and we would all find somewhere safe. He promised. He never breaks his promises. He was coming back for me. Maybe he found somewhere safe for his family first so he could easily come back for me and my mom.

We lost Lizzie my little sister, when it started. She was bit and I killed her. It was her choice. She didn't want to be one of them. The night she was bit. I gave her a heavy sleeping pill and ran a bath for her. She wanted it done peacefully. Once she was completely out i kissed her forehead and With tears running down my face I put her head under water where she slowly slipped away. I sobbed in my moms arms for the rest of the night. We buried her the next day. Decker was there. He held me while I cried. After that is when he left and made me the promise.

"I would rather get devoured by zombies than leave you. I promise I will be back," were his exact words. I kissed him and he got on his motorcycle and drove away.

I was pulled out of my thoughts. "Ash. I know you think he's coming back. But it had been a month." She pulled me in her arms. "You're all I have left. I can't lose you too. I won't. We have to go."

"One more week." I desperately said.

She sighed and rubbed her graying hair. "Fine. One week. That's it." She patted my shoulder and went back inside. For some reason she didn't look so good. She seemed really sad and guilty all of a sudden.

I walked over to where we buried Lizzie. Under the tree with our old treehouse. I got down on my knees by her makeshift grave. "Hey Lizzie. I miss you so much my sweet girl. Mom thinks I only want to stay here to wait for Decker but it's also you. I don't want to leave you behind. Our memories. Everything in the house reminds me of you." I felt tears running down my face. "I am just glad that you don't have to face this broken world. You are too light for this world." My nose was runny now. "Oh Lizzie. I wish you were able to talk back to me. I hope you are having fun with dad up there. And Bella. I bet she was waiting for you when you got there. She probably flew all the way from doggy heaven." I laughed. "I love you baby." I put the rose I had picked earlier on the grave and held her locket I wear around my neck in my hand. I stay there for a couple more minutes.

All of a sudden there was a bang. I turned to the house and started sprinting. It definitely came from the house. And then I heard it.

The moaning. The snarling of the zombies. Not just one either. I looked down the street and saw around 50 of them coming our way. Crap! I've only dealt with 2 at the same time and even that was difficult.

. "Mom!" I hollered, "we have to go!" I ran up the stairs into my moms room and screamed when I saw it. I figured out what the bang was. My mom lay on the ground with a hole in the middle of her head. "Mom!" I cried.

Many things were going through my head. Why would she leave me? Why wouldn't she tell me? I saw a note in her hand.

Dear Ash,
I am so sorry my girl. Life has just become too much and I don't want to slow you down when it comes time for you to leave. I hope you can forgive me. You are going to fight. You are going to survive. I love you baby. I'll tell dad, Lizzie, and Bella you said hi. Don't join us too soon.

I stuffed the note in the pocket of my jacket. Then I heard another sound. A beautiful sound. The sound of a motorcycle coming up the hill.

Decker! He came for me!

I ran down the stairs with my knife and gun and ran outside but I forgot why I had gone to get my mom in the first place. Right outside my door we're about 20 zombies. And they all saw me and came towards me. I screamed when one bit my shoulder from behind. I stabbed it in the head and kept stabbing every one that came my way.

"Ash!" I heard a voice holler. "No!"

Then the next sound completely broke my heart. I heard the sound of the motorcycle...leaving. He left me. He left me. He didn't even try to save me. He left me to die. Which is what is going to happen right now if I don't run. After clearing one more zombie away from me I turned and sprinted into the forest behind my house. None of them followed because I was too fast.

But it didn't matter. I was bit. I was going to turn. I sat down in a cave. I was too weak. I couldn't move. I couldn't even try and put myself out of my misery.

I just sat and waited. Alone. I slowly slipped away.

I remember shortly after waking up but having no control.

I ate a squirrel. A deer. I think I ate a chihuahua too. But the worst was that I ate a person. And I knew her. Her name was Lily. She was one of Lizzie's friends. I was screaming at my body to stop but it wouldn't. I killed her. She was so young. And she was all alone. Where was her family? Why weren't they watching her? Why weren't they there to kill me?

About 2 months later while in the middle of eating a rat I found I was snatched up. I snarled and fought but they were stronger. They brought me into a room and tied me to a chair. They shined lights in my eyes while I tried to bite their noses off. Then they stuck a needle in my neck and everything went dark. And that is how I was reborn. I became the only one who came back.


I walked through herds of zombies. Killed a few out of boredom. I don't know what I was looking for but I guess I'll figure it out if I keep walking.

I have to keep moving.


Welp that's the first chapter. Not that good but I had this idea in my head years ago. Just know the characters have no connection to real life characters whatsoever. Ok maybe that's kind of a lie but I'm not stealing anyone's ideas so there's that...See you next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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