Chapter Four

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Madison returned back to Miss. Robichaux's only four days after the coven had left California. Queenie had been right about the fact that Madison hadn't been texting or calling anyone while she was away- so when you saw her marching through the grand, white doors of the school (dressed in leather pants and a black, sleeveless, turtleneck crop-top), you nearly screamed. That was until you remembered that Michael had brought her back from Hell, and you weren't seeing a ghost.

"Jesus Christ, I forgot you were alive," you gasped, holding onto your chest from shock. You were stood at the top of the staircase, staring down at your best friend in gleeful fright.

Madison scoffed but you could see the betrayal underlying her eyes. "Wow, thanks, bestie. I'll remember that," she growled, gripping onto the strap of her bag.

"I'm sorry, Mads. Come on, bring your stuff upstairs, you can fill me in," you said apologetically, knowing you had a long path of making up to do. Madison sighed and began walking up the stairs, following you towards her room. "I didn't mean to forget, you know that. I got so used to texting your phone while you were actually dead, and not getting a response, that I just kinda... ya know..." you explained sheepishly, standing by her bedroom door as she flung her bag onto the bed.

"Yeah, I get it. It's whatever. There's more pressing problems at hand... have you been talking to Michael recently?" she questioned suddenly, whirling around to look at you. You startled at the sudden question, but nodded regardless.

"Uh, yeah, I have. A lot actually... why?" you asked, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow. Madison licked her lips and looked at you carefully, narrowing her own eyes.

"No reason," she said after a long minute, shrugging her shoulders and turning around.

"Nice try," you scoffed, stalking towards her to grab onto her shoulders and spin her around. Madison groaned, throwing her head back as she raked her brain for an excuse.

"I can't tell you, not yet. Trust me, I want to, but I can't. Not until I talk to Cordelia," Madison sighed, holding onto your forearms. "I want you to know what I know, I really do, but she has to know first."

You let go of Madison's shoulders, running your hands down your face, rubbing painfully at your cheekbones. You felt the familiar heat begin to gather in the palm of your hands, causing your lips to twitch in annoyance. "How bad is it?" you whispered, peeking at the blonde from between your fingers. Madison grimaced, and that was the only answer you needed.

"You have to stop talking to him, (Y/N), you have to. He's no good, he's.... He's just plain bad," Madison stuttered, tripping for the right words to use. The heat in your palm began spreading up your arms like a wildfire the more she spoke about him. "I know you're like really into him or whatever, and you're totally fucking each other, but you have to drop him. If you knew half of the things he's done, you'd block his number and wish you never met him-"

"Madison, stop."

"And the people he's hurt? Jesus, (Y/N/N), you'd hate him. So just forget about him. Delete his number, block him from your mind and phone, and let's go out tonight. Find you someone new and better who can love y-"

"Madison, I said stop!" you yelled, the fiery rage that had been building inside of you exploded, at the mere thought of just dropping Michael because Madison was telling you to. Your eyes shot open in anger, pupils blown wide; Madison screamed in sudden agony, gripping the sides of her head and dropping to her knees. Pain bubbled behind her eyes and dispersed upwards, sweeping over her head like a blanket. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she yelled, blood beginning to slowly drip out of her tear ducts, a drop hitting the carpet every few seconds. Everything around you was white, you couldn't see anything, and all you could hear were Madison's screams. Your mind was struggling to understand what you were doing to her, and how you were doing it, while also internally screaming at yourself to just fucking quit it. But you couldn't. Michael hadn't done anything wrong to you, he hadn't hurt you in any way, shape, or form, and you knew nothing of what he had done to other people- if anything at all. All you knew, was that Madison was making you really pissed off, and you wanted her to shut the fuck up.

18 Months -- Michael Langdon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now