Avengers (Problematic)

Start from the beginning

"Turritopsis dohrnii... I-it has the ability to age backward once it's reached its maximum age or has undergone stressful situations... it reverts all the way back to its polyp stage..."

"So you could possibly revert all the way back to an infant?" Tony asks as he grabs the paper, you nod. He studies it, eyeing the paper up and down. "How long do we have until then?"

"T-two to three days at least..."

"...Damn it..." Tony mutters. "I'll try to figure this out, maybe I can cook something up that will slow it down... For now, Bruce, take her to the lounge room— have the other's keep an eye on her. You can come back up here afterward and give me a hand."

"Alright, I'll call them on the way down." Banner puts a handout and you take it, gripping his hand nervously as he walks you towards the elevator.

Thor spots the two of you in the hall, following you out of concern and curiosity. "Banner, Why is Lady Yn so tiny?"

"I'll tell you in the lounge, Thor..."

You hid behind Bruce once you enter the lounge, for some reason you felt like your teammates were total strangers. They all stared at you in shock and worry as he explains the situation. You grip the back of his shirt in your hands. "Yn? What's wrong?" Bruce places a gentle hand on your head and you look up at him nervously. "These are your friends, you know them." He says.

"I-I know... But... but they scare me... for some reason, I feel like they're strangers... I-I'm not feeling too good either..." Bruce's heart stops when he notices your height slightly change. The effects of the serum might be working faster than you previously thought. He bites his lip.

"You're okay, Yn... just stay here— Stark and I will figure it out, don't worry..." you nod, shyly stepping out from behind him and approaching the group of heroes. "Guys, call either Tony or me if she appears to change. We need to stay updated on her condition. Just keep her calm and relaxed; stress might worsen her condition."

"We'll keep you posted, Doctor." Steve says. Nat comes up to you and bends down to your level, talking to you softly in an attempt to comfort you. You fiddle with your hands as you tremble slightly.

"Everything's going to be okay, Yn..." she softly whispers.

"N-Nat... I'm scared..." You whimper. Her eyes soften and she pulls you into a hug.

"You're okay, Yn. Bruce and Tony will figure it out..." she pulls back, a small comforting smile on her lips. "Let's do something that will take your mind off it, Yeah?" You nod, taking her hand. "Clint, you've got kids- what do we do?" Little to the group's knowledge, Clint had already gone into full 'mother bird' mode.

"I've got this. Steve, Vision- put in a PG movie. Something light-hearted and fun. Thor, Wanda, grab some snacks and juice for her, anything sweet will suffice. Nat, I need you to grab the softest blanket we got- put it in the dryer for ten minutes so it comes out nice and warm." They all start heading off and Clint comes to you, taking you by the hand. "And, Yn... I got something you can cuddle while the movie plays, okay?" You nod quietly. "Alright, Sweetheart... come on let's go get it."

Barton's grip on you tightens when he feels you shrink slightly. "C-Clint?"

"You're fine, Yn." He reassures, opening the door to his room in the compound. He shuffles some stuff around with his free hand until he finds a plush black widow spider toy. "Nat got this for Nathaniel... I don't think she'll mind if you hold onto it tonight..." he hands it to you and you hug it close.

"Thank you, Clint."

"You ready to go watch the movie?"


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