The Day They Meet

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The whole town was in an uproar all because of Kaden Sullivan. The town's bad boy this town is small it's not huge meaning it's a gossip of a town. I hate this town sometimes because all they do is gossip. Well I guess I shouldn't expect anything different when we live in Bridgewell, England. It was my mum's choice to move because she thought that the big city would be too much for her children and she lived here when she was a kid. Anyway the reason behind this uproar is because Kaden got involved with some bad people and got caught making a deal with people over marijuana and got arrested. He didn't go to jail which he should but the cops didn't want to ruin their chance at winning the football games also because mommy and daddy paid them off like they did with coach of the team who thinks Kaden is holding the team up and have put him on a pedal stall. All of the football team idolise him they depend on him every game. That's basically half the town where as the rest of the town thinks that Kaden should get a trial and go to jail because it is not fair that he can get away with that sort of thing, my family and me are on this side apparently my mum say. Anyway let's move on my name is Cynthia Black, I'm badass but secretly a nerd, people liked to make things up about me since that day in year 10 when I rode in to school on my motorbike and got caught making art on a building which they call graffiti which it isn't because graffiti is writing on a wall and making art is making a picture or taking a stand on things that you disagree about. Back to real time were the town is fighting over Kaden god why do they like him so much so what if he is rich and maybe a bit handsome that doesn't count it's his personality and its rotten trust me on that.

"Cina can you believe this the whole town is fighting over him" says Alina coming towards me with Caroline, Sarina, Ace, Bruce and Milena.

"Yeah I can see that and where is Brilina" I say back

"Where else do think over on Kaden's side" Bruce said

"Her mum and dad are on his side you have got to be kidding me" I said shaking my head

"Nope and get this Caroline's and mine are on his side we both said we are on the other side" said Sarina

"Hey Cina our families are the head of the anti-Kaden side" laughs Bruce.

I laugh because that is so true my family dislike him, I dislike him because he is pigheaded whereas my brother William dislikes him because he didn't make the team because of him and my two older brothers don't care because they have graduated. Parents dislike him because of brother, sometimes I really don't get my parents but I love them and the same for my brothers.

"Guys lets go to my house I can't be bothered to watch this go on anymore" I tell them

"Okay" everyone says

"Someone call Raquel" says Milena

"Okay" Sarina calls Raquel

"Finally she speaks" I say

Milena and everyone else laughs, we make our way to my house which is like right in front of us. When we get their Raquel is at the front door I open it and walk in.

"Okay who wants to watch a movie" I say

Everyone puts their hands up I walk over to the movie cabinet.

"The Bad boy and the nerd"



"Pitch Perfect"


I put the movie into the DVD player and go to the kitchen makes popcorn gets everyone a drink and puts it on a tray, goes back into the lounge.

"Regular popcorn and coke"

"Me" Sarina calls

"Regular popcorn and a hot chocolate with marshmallows"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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