Chapter 1: The Poor

Comenzar desde el principio


Here I am panting hard from all that running, holding myself against the wall for dear life. We have been running from the palace guards since god knows how many hours! "T-t-thank you miss" The little girl whispered innocently as she struggled with her words.

I smiled and got down to my knees so I was almost as tall as her height. "No problem little girl" I said, patting her head gently.

"M-my name is Ella, miss" Ella said, her voice coming out in whispers. "Well nice to meet you Ella, my name is Lindsey" "so Ella, what were you doing there?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"I just toke some bread so I can give it to my little brother who has been starving for two days now" she said, her words stunk deep into my chest. It hurt me to see children like this.

It made me think what have they ever done wrong to deserve this? They were just children who knew nothing about how to live and protect them selfs! Is god this cruel? I thought.

I shook my head trying to get these thoughts out of my head. "Where is your brother now Ella?" I asked, giving her a sad smile. "He's in heaven!" she said looking into my eyes and gave me smile.

"Oh is that so?" I asked, I was shocked. "Yes the angles toke him three days ago and I thought he might be starving up there, bread was his favorite!" She said, shoving the bread we successfully got after that escape in my face.

The poor kid I thought, she really didn't know how this world works around her. "Well Ella let's go and meet your brother okay?" I said, taking her hand in mine and smiled. She smiled back at me and started to walk, leading the way.


We stood outside a dark spooky cemetery yard. The gates covered in spider webs and trees surrounded the area. It was something like a hunted house but it was open to the whole world to see instead of being covered with a roof.

Inside stood tall stones with writings of names, numbers, and ancient symbols. I amused the names were the names of the poor people who lived in the kingdom, the numbers for their birth and death dates, and the symbols I wasn't really sure what they really represented since they were ancient.

And let's just say I'm not the kind who knows anything about ancient stuff."Come over here" Said Ella pulling my hand and lead the way into the grave yard. We stooped walking after a moment of searching for the right stone.

The stone we stopped at seemed to be a small one with a few symbols on it. "Johnny Williams" I read. "So he's your little brother?" I asked, looking at Ella's smiling face. "Yes he is" she said, looking at her brother's grave with a hint of sadness in her eyes. Her eyes were getting a little watery.

She was trying to be brave, not wanting to cry in front of her brother. She didn't want to show weakness. I felt bad, I know it's hard to have your one and only family member to die. I've always been alone as a child until an old man toke me in and raised me.he gave me food and my very first sword when I was thirteen. He was a really kind and wise man, he taught me to fight and be brave.

To never show weakness to my enemies and loved ones but all that changed when he died from cancer. I would visit his grave every now and than just so he wouldn't feel lonely. His grave stone has many symbols unlike Ella's brother. Sometimes when I visit him I try my best to not end up crying but instead I end up sobbing, yeah I'm pefiedet and weak. Whatever I don't care or mind it at all.

"Mind waiting here for a minute so he doesn't get lonely?, I need to get something" Ella asked snapping me out of my thoughts. She turned around and faced me. "Sure" I said, giving her a tender smile.

And with that she toke off running. I turned to look at the little stone in front of me. "Hey there little buddy" I said in whispers. "I know you probably don't know me but I'm here to say hi and just how Brave you were to get by in this cruel world" I sighed sadly "I hope you're happy up there little one" I smiled, though the smile didn't really reach my eyes. This wasn't pity this was how sad I felt that all children had to suffer like this. "I'll go look for your sister, she's kinda late" I said.

Just as I was about to get up and look for Ella, I saw her running back with a bucket of water. "Water?" I asked confused. "It's holy water, I'll be cleaning my brother with it!" She said smiling happily, yet a hint of sadness was evidence in her voice. Holy water? Clean? This was confusing since I never heard of anyone doing it before.

Ella held the bucket up high on top of her brother's stone and poured all the holy water on it while rubbing her hands on the stone. After she cleaned the stone, she sat the bucket far away.

"Hi Johnny, I hope you're doing fine up there... Don't worry about me okay? I'm fine" she whispered and placed her bread near her brother's stone. "What do those symbols represent?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"The one with the human and wings represents honesty and kindness" Ella whimpered "my little brother was a really kind and honest person, that's why they gave him this symbol" she turned around and looked up at me. "The one with a three headed baby represents that he had no mother nor a father" she sighed heavily. "And the one With the man holding a fire represents that he was poor" I nodded as she finished her sentences.

"How do you know what these symbols represent?" I asked out of curiosity. "My mom thought me, they are ancient symbols so not everyone knows them" she said, I nodded. No wonder I couldn't read them. "Well we better get going" Ella said, standing up and grabbing my hand, we walked out of the the cemetery and back to Vinevilly.

The cemetery was far away from Vinevilly, about a one hour walk. "It was nice meeting you Ella" I said as soon as we reached Vinevilly's streets. "Remember if you ever need help, just call for me" I said. "Promise?" She asked. I smiled and connected my pinky with hers "pinky promise" I whispered and patted her head. "Thank you for today Miss" "please it's Lindsey" I said before I got up and waved my hand goodbye. "Until next time" I said walking away.


I climbed the ladders that reached the high houses of vinevilly and jumped up the crumbled bricks. Making my way up the tallest house facing the palace. "Stupid royalties" I Mumbled, laying on the little sleeping place I made over the years, a small pillow and a ripped blanket.

I sighed getting out my locket. "Why can't I remember where I got this?" I asked more to myself. I raised the locket up high thowards the moon and sighed deeply as it shined in the moonlight. The locket held a picture of a little girl about two years old inside it, I amused the little girl was me since she had the same brownish blonde hair and grayish blue eyes just like mine.

Sighing deeply once again, I shoved the locket into my jean pockets and prepared myself for the coming day. After a minute or so a deep slumber had taken over me.


xD if you made it this far I just wanted to thank you and please comment I would love to hear your opinions on this.

A sneak peek of the next chapter:

•Derek's P.O.V•

I woke up groaning at the sunlight shinning through my windows. I felt something warm and soft besides me and silently shifted to see one of the palace's maid under my duvet, probably naked from last night.

Yes, I was that player who slept with girls and no I don't have any herbs (STD). Getting up from my comfy king sized bed, I headed for the bathroom for a quick shower.

That Prince Is A Jerk (on hold, to be rewritten)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora