Who Is Kamski?

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(Alex's POV)

Breathe in, breathe out.

Deep breaths.

It's only the biggest party of the century and the most important story of my career. No pressure right?

I walk into the open front door and a blonde android approaches me.

"Alexander May, correct?" She says.

"Uh, yeah. That's me." I say. I didn't think RT600s had facial recognition. Well I mean, he IS the inventor so he could have easily upgraded her.

"Welcome. Mr. Kamski hopes you get a good story tonight." She says, gesturing towards a door.

I thank her and head towards the door. What did she mean 'Kamski hopes I get a good story'? Or is that just the greeting to all press?

I open the door and my ears are immediately assaulted by loud music. He must have very soundproof walls because it was dead silent out there. There's a ton of people in here. Business execs, former politicians, and celebrities.

I pull out my camera and photograph various people around the room as I walk along the wall. It feels like anybody who's anybody is here. But one person is notably missing.

Where's Kamski?

Not attending his own party?

I walk around the room, staying close to the wall to avoid bumping my camera out of my hand. I begin to ask around if anyone has seen Kamski. Most people are too drunk to answer seriously. Of the answers i've gotten my favorite was: 'Yes, on the tv one time.' Lovely.

I spot a lone figure outside a sliding glass door, on the balcony overlooking the city and the river. He's leaning on the railing looking down at the river. I walk over to the door and take a deep breath before opening it.

He barely moves his head as he glances back at me.

"Mr. Kamski, my name is Alexander May-" I start. He turns his head slightly to get another look at me.

"You? I expected a man. My apologies for prejudging." He says, turning to look out at the city.

"I... actually get that a lot. May I ask a few questions?" I respond.

"May I ask you a few questions, Alex?" He says without looking back.

"Um... Usually in an interview it's the other way around. And only my friends can call me Alex." I tell him.

"Alex it is then." He states. I sigh internally. This is going to be a long night.

"Why did you create androids?" I ask. I take out my notepad, ready to write the answers to my already written questions.

"Are you religious, Alex?" He asks.

"What does religion have to do with androids?" I reply.

"Why did God create humans? Or anything for that matter?" He says. I open my mouth to reply, but quickly realize I don't have a response to that. "Simple: Because He could."

"Are you saying you're like... a god to androids?" I try to wrap my head around his words.

"Far from it. But as their creator it is the same principle. My turn." He says, turning to face me. "Why is your name Alexander instead of the feminine version?"

"That's... kind of a rude way to put it. But I get the question enough to know what you meant. My parents were expecting a boy. They were so sure. I was born a girl. My dad really wanted a boy so he decided to keep the name, hoping it would make me more of a tomboy I guess. All it did was bring bullying. So, yeah. Now you know." I explain for what must be like the millionth time.

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