chapter 2

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Sorry for not updating, I went on vacation. Luckily, my good buddy JustColor helped me with this chapter. It is longer and just one person's POV. Please enjoy!


Percy stood at the forum, looking up to the sky, where the Argo 2 was slowly descending. He smiled, thinking of Annabeth. Of course, his thoughts were interrupted when Terminus began to panic like a freak.

"Run, Romans! The Greeks are here to kill us!" The statue thrashed like a madman until he toppled off his spot and hit the ground.

Reyna was also looking to the sky, her face wistful. "Let them land," she called, her tone soft. "We need to hear their side of the story." She went over to Percy, putting on her leader face. "Are you sure Jason's on board? Octavian might, well, you know, kill you."

"I'm ninety-nine percent sure." Percy fingered his toga. "Can't I take this off?"

"I think you look nice," Hazel said with an amused smile.

"It's to show you're praetor." Reyna looked more like a leader in her toga. "Now just wait."

Octavian stormed over to Percy and wagged his finger at him. "I'm warning you, Jackson, if the Greeks attack, the last thing you'll see is me."

"Oh, yeah, well when they don't attack, why don't you weep?" Percy shot back. "Go kill another stuffed animal, Octapus."

Octavian turned red and stormed off.

Frank grinned. "Nice one, Perce."

Percy redirected his attention to the ship, which landed with a thud. He kept thinking of Annabeth, and how much he wanted to see her. He really missed her.

The door opened, and a ramp dropped. The person standing ready made two hundred Romans gasp.

Hope you liked it! And I hoped you liked the cliffhanger. :)

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