Research Societies and Ishikki Senpai

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The night went on but I didn't want to stay the whole time. I stand up ready to leave to my room.

"You're leaving already, Nishikiri? You haven't met Ishikki-senpai yet." Tadokoro asked. I look back down at her and nod.

"Yeah. I'm kind of tired. Goodnight Tadokoro-san." I say and walk out to my room. I wonder who this Ishikki is. Too late now. I just need a good night's rest.

My eyes slowly close and I drift off to sleep into a dream. The doctor sent me here because he believed in me. I won't fail him now.


Nishikiri, Soma, and Megumi looked at the board with poster of all the research societies.

"Are research societies mandatory, Tadokoro-san?" Nishikiri asked. Megumi looked at her. Before she could answer Soma cut in by mentioning something about a reasearch society called don bowl or something. Nishikiri sighed and walk away looking through other club by myself.

Looking at the board, she found very few research societies that might interest her. Though, she was debating whether she should join a club or not because she doesn't like interacting with people.

Suddenly, Nishikiri's phone started ringing. She took out her phone from her pocket and looked at the caller ID. Doc it read. She put the phone to her ear.

"What's up?" She asked in her phone. She moved closer to a wall to stay out of everyone's way.

"Wow. Not even a 'Hi'?" He asked her. She sighed ready to respond. But he started talking again. "I just wanted to ask you about your first day."

"It was good." Nishikiri replied monotonously. The doctor sighed from the other side. Nishikiri realized she should answer more. "I'm looking through clubs, research societies, and seminars right now. I don't know what to do."

"What are the clubs you're thinking about, Kiri?" He asked her. She was silent for a bit. She didn't like talking. "Hello?"

"There's one that focuses on spices, Chinese cuisine, seafood, and that's all I was interested in." Nishikiri says. She only had a few minutes to think. If clubs weren't madatory, she won't joing one, but she doesn't know if they are or not.

"You once said you wanted to focus on more types of food that are from everywhere. You could go with Chinese or spices because you already know about seafood." He suggested. Nishikiri thinks about all the clubs again and consider the idea.

"Ok. Bye." She says hanging up right away.

Even though the doctor was the one who took her in. She still distanced herself from him. She kept her walls up and never learned to let them break. She never let anyone in. She trusts the doctor more than anyone else but not by much. She hasn't had anyone get close to her for years. She only pushes them away.

Nishikiri sighed. She thought about checking out the clubs to see if she'd like them. She thought to herself about it for a minute and decided against it. She went back to her dormitory to just sleep on it.


"Nishikiri." She heard her name being called from outside her door. She stood up and went to her door opening it revealing Megumi.

"Hmm?" Nishikiri hummed wondering why she was there. She tiredly rubbed her eyes and looked at Megumi.

"S-Sorry if you were sleeping. Ishikki-senpai needs a favor." She said. Nishikiri yawned while stretching her arms up. She hadn't met Ishikki yet but she's still curious.

"Ok. It'll take me a minute to get dressed, Tadokoro-san." Nishikiri replied ready to close the door. Before the door closed Megumi started saying something again.

"Y-You can call me Megumi. I'll wait here for you." She said. Nishikiri nodded and closed the door.

She walked to her wardrobe choosing out a few clothes and getting ready to go out. She got dressed and looked at herself in her full body mirror. She stared right into her own eyes thinking. As she looked at her self she sighed. She knew she was lonely and she didn't want to change that.

Nishikiri walked over to the door opening it. She walked out and saw Megumi leaning on the wall staring off into space. Nishikiri tapped on her shoulder which surprised Megumi making her flustered. Nishikiri stayed unfazed.

"Where are we going Megumi?" Nishikiri asked. As they walked she started braiding her long hair so it wouldn't get in her way.

"We're going to Ishikki-senpai's farm. We're going to help pick the crops." she answered politely. Nishikiri nodded and put on her mask since they were going to be working with food. Megumi looked at her curiously but didn't say a word. Nishikiri ignored her glances for as long as she could but finally asked.

"Is something wrong Megumi? You have been glancing at me this whole time we've been walking." Nishikiri asked in a monotonous voice. Megumi hadn't realized she was obvious. She started apologizing immediately.

"Why do you wear a mask?" Megumi asked. Nishikiri looked down as she walked unsure if she should answer or not. She sighed.

"I have a disorder. This mask isn't a regular mask. It was specially made for me because of my disorder." She answered still looking down. She wasn't ashamed of it and it wasn't a secret. But it's not something she'd broadcast to the world.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to pry!" Megumu kept apologizing. "I was insensitive!" She kept bowing as an apology. Nishikiri sighed.

"It's fine."

The two continued to walk and passed various areas. Megumi had also explained to her everyone's specialty. After a while the two finally arrived at a vegetable garden. Nishikiri looked at all the plants in awe. She had never seen or smelled a garden like this. She loosened her mask a bit and could smell the garden even more. She knew these fruits and vegetables were high quality.

"This is Ishikki-senpai's area. He's over there." Pointed pointed in a direction and in a distance they saw a man using a tool for the plants. He noticed their presence and walked over to them. As he got closer, Nishikiri realized he was only wearing a small cloth.

"You must be Nishikiri. I'm Ishikki. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand for her to shake but she didn't shake it. He looked at her and she had a look of disgust on her face. Her hands were in front of her face but not directly on and she was a bit flustered.

"Y-Your clothes?" She asked regretting her stutter. She didn't liked stuttering because it was something she would do often. She finally got out of the habit long ago but she would still stutter from time to time.

"Oh! I usually wear my apron, but since we're working outside I'm wearing this." He smiled. Nishikiri hesitantly nodded and stepped closer to Megumi. Megumi noticed this action.

'She comes off as cold and indifferent, but she can actually be pretty shy.' Megumi thought as she examined the girl. Nishikiri turned to Megumi.

"What do I need to do exactly?" She asked. Megumi told her to follow her and they walked over to many tomatoes.

"We're just going to pick these like this." Megumi picked one as a demonstration for Nishikiri. Nishikiri nodded and started picking tomatoes trying to ignore the fact that Ishikki- who was near them- was only wearing a single cloth.

Throughout the rest of that morning they helped around that area. Later on Megumi brought in rice balls which was much appreciated by everyone. They all then went through all their classes, clubs, and other of the many things they have to do everyday. They all eventually came back to the dorm in the evening and it soon be ame night.

Nishikiri dound herself awake staring at the ceiling admiring the intricate designs. She soon started drifting off to sleep for the next day to come.

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