3am To Me (11/20/18 - 3AM)

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A friend once told her that waking up at three in the morning means something
That it's a time when someone wakes up from dreaming
It's either the time of drunks, loners, or poem writers to be free
With no one stopping them yet noise no one should hear

For noise wakes up people and you'd get scolded
For waking up at the wrong time and wasting your life
But do they know the reasons why she's awake at this hour?
For she can think and be more productive at a late hour

For drunks, three in the morning is the time where they get wasted
For loners, three in the morning is the time they wake up and get even lonelier
For poem writers, three in the morning is the time where a ton of words pop up so they can be written
And She is two of these things and it always happens

She dosen't drink sure she took a swig once
But she never really drank too much
If the answer is obvious then you'll see
That she writes poems and is as lonely as she can be

She has many friends that's for sure
She has someone who loves her more than they love themself
But they never really saw in her eyes
The pain she is feeling hidden inside

That girl is now thinking 'Why am I up this late'
For she herself dosen't know the reason why
But then she realizes something
That she has poems racing through her mind

So she types and types and types
All the poems transfered to the screen
She stares at the screen and smiles to her creation
So she decided that she will just write

The girl I'm talking about goes to the same school as me
Wakes up and eats the same as me
Wears the same clothes as me
For that girl I'm talking about writing at three am is me

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