2. Secret Exposed

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Ladybug. That's how my parents had just called me.


Had they really found out that I was Ladybug or was it just that I was trying to help where ever I could?

Was my identity really that obvious? Possibly. I mean I had the same voice and eyes and hair... Marinette thought.

Suddenly a terrible thought struck Marinette. What if they'd tell others? What if Hawkmoth would find out? What if he'd actually manage to take her miraculous then?

She shook her head hastily, looking at her parents, who were watching her in concern.

"Aww! Our daughter is emotional, well enjoy these!" her mother Sabine said, handing her the plate full of macarons. Marinette took it, her hands shaking, just barely not dropping the plate as she was putting it onto her table.

Her parents slowly closed the trapdoor, understanding that their daughter needed to rest a little after school. They thought that she had been surprised and emotional.
But it was the exact opposite. Marinette was frustrated, anxious and not happy at all.

Marinette dropped herself onto her chair taking one macaron, shoving it in her mouth.

"Tikki, please tell me that this is just a dream!" Marinette groaned.

"No, Marinette, I must disappoint you but this is reality..." Tikki whispered.

"Ugh Tikki! What am I supposed to do now? Do you think they know that...that I am Ladybug?" Marinette inquired, terrified.

Tikki answered, "I don't know...but I fear that might be the case, Marinette..."

Marinette groaned, taking two macarons, shoving one in her mouth and handing Tikki the other one. She stood up from her chair and dropped herself on her bed, arms stretched out to each side again.

She sighed, tears stinging in her eyes again. She started crying.

"T-tikki...what shall I do n-now...Hawkmoth will surely find out...what if he's been sending a supervillain to investigate on me? What if...what if that villain knows who I am? What if they're watching me right now? What shall I do-o-o?!!"

Marinette began crying heavily into her pillow. As she raised her head to take a breath she saw her soaked her pillow was from her tears. She curled up in a ball and closed her eyes, still sobbing.

Tikki flew over to her face and hugged her cheek, whispering into Marinette's ear, "Shhhh...don't worry Marinette, I bet it will be alright! You shouldn't worry about it now! If your parents behave that weird again, you can suspect them but it's not the time for that yet!"

"O-okay..." Marinette sobbed, giving Tikki a painful smile.

Tikki smiled back, sitting down next to Marinette's head, on her pillow.

Marinette wiped her tears away and smiled at Tikki saying, "Thanks a lot Tikki, my little sunshine!" Having that said, Marinette drifted off into a deep slumber of exhaust...


When Marinette woke up it was already dark outside. Tikki was still sleeping, next to her head. She was snoring very quietly.
Marinette smiled, blinking a few times. She slowly got up, going into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes, still all red and puffy from crying that hard. Her face, squished marks from a scrunched blanket. Her hair, a mess.

She sighed, splashing her face with cold water and washing her hands, then drying both off with a fluffy towel.

Sighing again, she left the bathroom, going back to her room. She picked her phone up from her desk, unlocking it.

8:48 pm

She sighed, tomorrow would be another school day and she'd have to go to bed again very soon but Marinette had just woken up, that was the problem.

She had almost forgotten about what had happened in the afternoon until her eyes stopped at the plate full of macarons as her eyes wandered around the room. She looked at them carefully, gasping.

Macarons. Mama. Papa. Cry. Tikki. Secret.....Ladybug...






There was only that one word that was on her mind in that moment. Ladybug. She was Ladybug and her parents knew it. Everyone knew it...It was way too obvious.

Marinette was about to cry again but she took a deep breath and managed to control it. She knew, there was one thing she really wanted to do.

Marinette began packing her most important things, like pictures of her parents, clothes, and her pocket money. She looked at the time once again.

8:59 pm

If she was lucky, her parents were still awake. Marinette picked up Tikki, carefully putting her into her small bag.

Escape. Well, not really. She'd tell her parents. That was the only thing she could do. If her identity was really that obvious, she had to hide. To protect Paris, to protect her family. To prevent Hawkmoth from getting her Miraculous.

She knew, her loved ones would suffer but escaping and hiding was the only thing she could do right now. She knew that someday there would be a way to fix this all but now she had to leave all she loved.

"Mama? Papa?" Marinette called as she entered the bakery. Both her parents were still working and now turned around to see their daughter with a large bag on her shoulders.

"Well, what you did earlier was really nice...but was there a certain reason to it?" she asked.

Her father looked at her mother and said, "Well, you're just helping wherever you can and that is really kind of you and sometimes we think that there's a little bit of Ladybug in you!"

"Well, yes...I am Ladybug to be honest...if you had a suspicion about it! Please don't tell anyone! This must remain secret...I am really sorry but I'll have to make this quick and painless..."

She sighed, looking at both her parents, "Mama, Papa! I'll be leaving! I will leave you and all my loved ones for your safety! But I promise, it won't be forever..."

With these words she left the house. Her parents stood there looking at each other and then the door, repeating that all the time. Well it was not like they could say, "Please stay Marinette!" and she'd answer, "Yes, Mama and Papa, I'll stay even though a spy might have heard this..."

And about her doubts, yes, Marinette was right. Indeed, there was a spy. Vanisher was her name. The akumatised version of Sabrina Reincomprix, Chloe Bourgeois' best friend. Hawkmoth had akumatised her once again, he had misused the fact that Chloe had always been abusing Sabrina.

Well, now even Hawkmoth knew...He couldn't wait to tell the whole world! But first, he wanted to make Marinette's or Ladybug's vulnerability his advantage...

(A/N:)Soooo, getting lit, eh? I hope y'all have been liking it until now! Well, this story is about to get really f*cked up soooo, I am planning a mindblowing plot twist...but shhhhhh....

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