After about two more minutes, Peter found that he was okay enough to sit up between the two brothers. Both of them exchanged looks, Thor still rubbing his back and Loki with his hand on Peter's shoulder.


"Yes, Mr. Thor?"

"Why do you cry?" Peter chuckled at Thor's choice of words.

"I- um.." Peter trailed off, trying to figure out how to explain it.

"I just don't f-feel like I d-deserve to b-be on th-this team."

"What? Why?" Loki asked, confusion mixed into his concerned facial expression.

"I j-just feel l-like a screw up."

"Oh, but that is not true."

"Yes it is! I-I let Mr. Stark get hurt and Mr. Clint lost his bow and if I wasn't there we would've won so much faster!" Peter let out in anger, his hands shooting back up to cover his face. Loki yanked him back into a hug, tighter than he had before.

"Hey, hey, hey. None of that was your fault, Peter."

"Loki is right, kid." Peter only sniffled in response, squeezing Loki harder, making the older mischief maker grunt slightly. Not because it hurt physically, but because it hurt his heart more than anything.

"Peter, it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. You can't save everybody, you know."

"I can die trying." Peter mumbled. That made Thor shut his eyes and Loki shudder.

"No, you won't. You won't die. Nobody will die. Everyone is going to be just fine." Loki assured him. Peter nodded, sitting himself up once more.

"You guys can go away now. I-I'm fine."

"Peter, we're not leaving until you smile." Loki told the younger superhero.

"Yes, I agree." Thor nodded.

"What are you, gonna dad joke me into happiness?" Peter joked, making the two older superheroes chuckle. Suddenly, Thor's face lit up like an excited puppy.

"I do have an idea!" He said happily, leaning over and whispering something in Loki's ear. Loki nodded and giggled before tackling Peter backwards onto the bed.

"HEY- What the hell!?" Peter asked, struggling against his two stronger friends. Thor easily grabbed Peter's wrists and pinned them down while Loki straddled his waist.

"I like Thor's idea!" Loki said with a giggle.

"Thank you!" Thor beamed.

"And you had to pin me down why?!"

"So that you don't hit us!" Loki said, strategically poking Peter's side. Peter yelped and jumped away.

"Mr. Loki! No!"

"I think you were right, Thor!"

"I think so as well!"

"P-please, guys! Get off!" Peter begged, squirming as much as he could.

"No! Not until you're happy!" Loki argued, now tracing light circles on Peter's sides.

"Nahahaha! Mr. Lohohohoki! Plehehease!" The poor kid begged.

"Loki, I think I fancy this 'mr' Loki and 'mr' Thor!" Thor said with a giggle.

     "I agree, Thor!" Loki responded, his hands traveling slightly upwards to tweak at Peter's ribs. Peter gasped and yanked a little harder on his hands, his feet drumming busily on the bed.

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