Letter #39 - March 5th 2023

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Dear Pete,

I hate it here. I want to leave. I'm trying my hardest to leave but it's almost impossible for me to do it by myself. I need you guys to help me.
This isolation is driving me insane and up the wall! The boredom is killing me! And every little thing I do is judged. It's horrendous. its just getting worse. I'm working on figuring a way to escape from Paul. It's slow currently but I'll get there and I'm hoping you guys end up finding me as well in my efforts.
Seriously Pete, I hate it here and I want to be back at home with my family. Paul is so awful. He may seem nice when you first meet him but he gets worse as the weeks progress. He's bust my lip all because I was found heading towards the back door. I have a large hand print on my arm from when he shoved me into my room after that first letter. The hand print isn't going away. It's not normal. Trust me it's not.
I've completely lost track of time and the days. I don't know how long I've been here. I don't know what day it is. I don't know what time it is. I just want to be back in your arms and I want to see you guys again. I'm hoping you're receiving these letters and I'm hoping you can trace where I'm sending these from and I'm really hoping you show the police once you get them to help you all find me in this awful place.
Please hurry. I don't know how much longer I can last here.


Be my escape (Peterick) (Sequel to Running Back To You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora