Detention part 1

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" i got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine I've got a love and.." sang my alarm clock but before it could finish the line I slammed on the off button.

I took a look at the clock realizing that I will be late for school but let's be honest I would have skipped it anyways. I calmly took a shower, changed, and made myself some breakfast.

"A little bit early" said my little brother Alex who is just 2 years younger than me. He looked kinda awful, pale skin, red cheeks, and his eyes looked sleepless.
"Yo Alex you look like shit are you sick or something"  I said with my mouth full of cereals
"Shut up you ugly lookin goblin" Alex said smiling
"And the award for the best insult goesssss toooo Alex with his painful insult ugly lookin goblin congrats" I said jokingly
"But seriously what happend?" I asked
"Well we have a math exam today and I am really not looking forward to fail this exam too"
"Yeah so i took your make-up colored my face so I look sick and told dad that I don't wanna go to school"
" why the fuck would you take my makeup what did I tell you about going into my room and how does it help you, you still need to re-write the exam"
"Yea I was not finished Sheila, so my friend randy will tell me everything what was on the exam so I can study for that"

"Well you are a genius Alex" I said smirking at him

"Good Morning Sheila" dad said
"Shouldn't you be in school right now ?"
"Well yes but.."
"No buts Sheila I don't want you to get in trouble again"
"Again?" Asked Alex raising his eyebrows
"Now go off before a teacher calls!" Dad said in a strict voice
"Ugh whatever"
I took my motorcycle keys, my school bag, and went outside.
The weather was sunny but cold my favorite type of weather.
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I stood at my schools parking-lot lookin around enjoying the nice weather knowing that i am late for the first class but literally not giving a shit. When suddenly a teacher tapped on my shoulder.

"Well if it isn't Sheila wolf" a teacher said
"Well if it isn't mrs 45 years old and is re married 5 times. How is your 5th husband are you getting a divorce again?"
"How dare you talk to your teacher like that" mrs alufa said
"Look mrs alufa stop annoying me and maybe just maybe I will like you 0.1%
I mean after all it's better that -1 % right?"
"Principle Office now Young lady" she said with a deep voice
"Yep annoying as always maybe that is why you will re-marry the 6th time"
                                  •  •  •

"well I am not surprised to see you Ms. wolf what did you do again ?" Principle Smith said
"I caught her skipping her class and she gave me attitude sir"
Mrs alufa said.
"Sheila we talked about this no skipping classes your dad gets tired of me calling him" George (the Principles first name) said
"But George I just got carried away by the beautiful weather" I said "it's sir or mr. Smith for you young lady" mrs alufa said " it's okay Sandy she can call me George"
I winked at mrs alufa seeing her embarrassment in her face.
"Well sheila you have after school detention sorry" George said
"George I think she should get a Suspension for giving me such an attitude" alufa said giving me a mean smile.

"Excuse me but it's my decision what she gets and it's sir for you sandy now please leave I would like to talk with Sheila alone"

Mrs alufa left the office awkwardly

"Sheila she is actually right you should get a suspension you had three detention in one week it's not normal anymore, I don't wanna call your dad and tell him the whole time that you are in big trouble. After your moms death he has been not doing well. Just think about your dad okay?"
"Yes uncle George I will work on that. Oh and tell my dad I will be working on a school project Instead if saying I have detention thank you !"

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