"Hey babe, it's me Melanie. Well duh because I called you. Babe uh I miss you. Like a lot. Don't forget about me" And with that I hung up.

I respect the fact that Mark has been so serious about his music recently, but I still miss hanging out with him regularly. As more people began to trickle into our class, Jeno came over to sit with me.

Jeno is one of Haechan's roommates which is how we became friends,

"Hey Melly!"

"Hi Jeno"

"How's life?"

"Well firstly I'm going to need your help"

"What's up?"

"Ten's birthday is coming up and I really want to throw him a surprise party!!!"

"That sounds like fun, I'll help you with anything you need!"


By the time I got back to my dorm I began planning Ten's birthday party. I was so excited and it was only a few days way. I walked to a local party store and bought some streamers, balloons, and a sign.

While I was shopping I felt a stranger nudge my arm causing me to look over my shoulder.

And to my surprise it was Jaemin.

"Hey nana"

"Hey lala"

I'm not sure where the nickname lala came from but Jaemin has been basically calling me that since we met last year.

"What are you doing at a party store during this time of day?"

"I just need some stickers, you're the one that looks like they're planning a huge party. What's all the stuff for?"

"It's my brother's birthday in a few days I'm throwing him a surprise party"

Jaemin smiled as he nodded his head, "That's so sweet lala"

I felt my phone vibrate and I realized it was Mark. I said my goodbyes to Jaemin as I went to go pay for everything and then head to Mark's apartment.

By the time I got there Mark was still wearing his sweats and looked super sweaty. I tried waking him up that way he could take a shower but it was no use. I crawled into the bed beside him to watch Adventure Time until I fell asleep also.

And that's our relationship folks.

A few days later

After convincing Mark and Jaehyun to let me throw the party at their apartment, the day has finally come!!

Today is Ten's birthday but I've been purposely ignoring him all day that way he thinks I forgot. When in reality I've been up since the ass crack of dawn trying to make sure that this party is fun. 

I got Jaehyun to go buy some alcohol because they never ID him at our liquor store. I also invited all of Ten's friends that also live here in New York.

As time went on more and more people began to come in. Jaemin and Jeno also came because Haechan invited them. Johnny was in charge of music which he was doing a great job at.

However Mark was no where to be found, as per usual.

I tried calling him but his phone went straight to voicemail. I grew angrier with every phone call because he knows how important today is to me and yet he doesn't even have the decency to tell me where he really is.

Once everyone else arrived, we began to prepare for Ten's arrival. Taeyong was bringing him and it caused all of us to be super anxious. When we all heard keys opening the door we all hid and kept quiet, until we realized it was just Mark and Haechan.

"Where were you guys?!"

"We were at the studio, we lost track of time I'm sorry"

Even his apologies lacked sincerity these days, I just continued to ignore him and wait for Ten.

Taeyong texted us that they had just entered the building, causing everyone to frantically find a good hiding spot or just duck down while Jeno turned off the lights.

When he heard the doorknob twisting we knew it was show time. As they entered the room and the lights flickered on we all yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEN" at the top of our lungs while Jeno began to pop our confetti machines.

"Did you plan all of this?", Ten asked as he smiled at me (seeming pretty surprised if you ask me)

"Well yea I wasn't going to let you have a lame birthday while you're in New York!"

Ten immediately hugged me as Johnny continued to blast music through the speakers.

Now that the stress of surprising Ten was gone I was actually able to enjoy myself now. I began taking shots with Ten and had another dance off with Taeyong.

We also began to play random games like twister and heads up.

I felt myself becoming more tipsy as the night went on but I continued to avoid Mark because of how upset I am with him.

"Can I get everyone's attention please!", a drunk Haechan asked into the microphone. Everyone paused what they were doing and Johnny turned down the music.

"I just want to wish Ten a special happy birthday from myself, you're a great person and I'm glad that you're MellyMel's brother!"

Since I knew Haechan was drunk I began to walk over to him and ask him to put the microphone down. However I was too late,
"I also want to shout out Mark and I for getting signed to SM Entertainment, KOREA HERE WE COME!!!!!!"

And while everyone clapped and shouted for them, my stomach dropped. So this is what Mark has been hiding from me?

I walked to his room and locked the door. I knew that he was right behind me and was trying to get in but I couldn't fathom talking to him right now.

I'm so proud yet so hurt at the same time.


Mark 😤😤😠😠 what more do you wANT FROM ME :( Do you guys see how adorable he looks??? My heart can't take this

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Mark 😤😤😠😠 what more do you wANT FROM ME :(
Do you guys see how adorable he looks???
My heart can't take this

Anyways Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it), I'm so thankful for all of you guys for supporting this story and always voting and commenting, it truly makes my day ❤️

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