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"You are my dad"

"Aw peepars , does wine come with that cheese?"

He looked into my eyes deeply and seductively said.

"I love you mum"

I bit my lip and he smirked.

"Let's go now dad"

I heard footsteps approaching.

I spun my head around revealing indawo.

She smiled. "So can I walk with you guys?"


"Cool" She smiled walking towards us.

"So why arent you walking with tiddy and shiddy"

"Oh, they're waiting for yannie and you know how much I hate him

"Ahh, okay, I understand, I don't like him either."

It was a bit silent after that until indawo broke it by saying

"Ahh your nan, did you see why you coming fast"

"Yeah of course are you fuckin blind?" We looked at eachother and started laughing in sync.

Taehyung looked at us like we were idiots and said

"What are you guys talking about, let me see!"

"Never" I said.

He wanted to see the video and for payback he said seductively.

"okay you ugly peice of shit just wait wATCH me piss on your forehead."

indawo gulped, not knowing what to say and blood rushed up to my cheeks.

In polish i started to say

"Yah you pabo! Wae would you say that infront of my chingu, you know that i'll never  juseyo!"

Although I spoke in polish he responded in that language you speak in england,

"Ooh fiesty daddy, I like it"

He let out a soft moan infront of indawo and she witnessed all of this with embarassment on her face.

I stopped and told indawo to go ahead whilst grabbing Tae towards me, stopping him too.

She nodded and walked ahead fastening her pace and started running so fucking fast..., I don't blame her...

"Oh look daddy, we're outside your house" taehung said

"you peepoo! Why would you say that!" I looked down shyly and said to tae "It made me hard" I looked back up "But still! She's gonna think we're crazy"

"Let her think whatever she wants, and plus, you just addmited yourself you liked it..."

He grabbed onto my waist and licked me ferociuocly whilst pushing me against the wall, he went down to my feet whilst rubbing his hand down my nose getting close to my ears. I let out a soft sound into his clothes. "you poomoid" i whispered seductively

"Daddy, you know I love it when you do that"

I realised that my parents wanted me at home at 12;69 pm and it was like bare past that so i pushed him off me and he got taken aback by the sudden movement with his eyes wide.

I scoffed at him

"you're poo" i said and he walked up closer towards me.

As he continued where he left off, I said

"Look, my mum wants me home now, you can come in too if you want."

"I like the sound of that... how about a" He said.

I scoffed at him "You know my dog will be there" he smiled at that.

As soon as we got into the house he sat down on the sofa and turned netflix on the TV looking for something to watch whilst I got a call.

I looked at the ID and it was my mumm, after I finished the convo tae asked

"What was it" I sat on top of him and began unbottoning his shirt.

He bit his lip down

He suddenly said,

"Wait, arent your parents home"

I responded, continuing to unbotton his shirt,

"Nope, they shidded and farded and caught ligma, so it's just you and me and my dog"

He raised an eyebrow and said "whats ligma"

i smirked and said...

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