Elemis Island

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Cas felt herself float for a moment before landing back on the soft dirt as the water was taken from her in a rush of waves and again as the water came back to caress her body She let the waves take her back and forth from the shoreline as She laid on the beach of Elemis Island. The island where She lived was unlike any that ever existed, it had millions of different wildlife from the plants to the animals that roamed the land. Her family had been living here for many years, since her great great great grandpas life. The elders tell her stories of the mainland people and the pirates that roamed the waters, all of wich lived and shared a cruel way of life, with endless torture and pain in every aspect they shared. She has never been off the little island and never planned to leave it. One side of the island is cliffs and a sandy beach that hides the people of elemeris's home, once past the cliffs, the entrance to an enchanted forest that surrounds the village awaits. It is forbidden to be outside the cliff walls but cas coildnt help but come to feel the waters caress her body, she was obsessed with the waters, and if you swam out far enough turtles and strange fish would swim almost close enough to touch. She wasn't to worried about the stories her ancestors had warned her about, it's been several years since any ships have come this far from the main lands.
She left the cliff walls around around mid day, but now as She opens her eyes to look at the sky she notices that stars danced around the clouds making the sky shine, it was very beautiful. Standing up and She saw a flock of birds went flying by in a panicked state, strange she thought, those birds are usually so calm and sedated during this time of night. Glancing out onto the horizon she sees nothing that could have frightened them. She decide to climb up a bit higher to see if she could get a view from the cliff. About 9 yards up the mountain a dark form of black clouds blackened out the stars as it floated closer to the island. The closer they got the blacker the night got and the more I was entranced, It was beautiful and terrifying all together, she emotions where overwhelming her and she tried to take deep breaths. When the clouds stopped moving she saw little brown ovals fall off of a larger brown oval and start to come into the island. Fear froze her body realization hit, this is what a ship was and these were people coming to board Elemis island. Knowing that she didn't have time to get back into the cliff wall she climbed to the nearest tree hanging off the cliff and sat between the tree and the cliff getting comfortable for a long night.
As the boats came ashore a wide variety of men hoped off of the little ships with bags and sharp shiny grey things that glinted in the moonlight. Curiosity buzzed through her veins and she wanted to know more about the strange men on the island. She watched as they started to settle they had chopped down one of the smaller trees on the island and cut it up to build a fire, it was strange seeing them hurt the island and not doing anything about it but she knew if she came down all the stories her elders had told her would be unleashed upon her. As She watched them she tried to remember pieces of the stories and had come to the conclusion that they were pirates, her dad had told her many stories about the pirates that ruled the water. He said that they take and kill and worse... he never let on about the worse but she wasn't in any hurry to figure it out.
It had been a couple hours and the men on the island got loopy after drinking from their strange bottles that produced liquids, another little boat was pulling into the island and a tall man stepped off the boat, his presence reeked of authority, and it seemed that only a couple of the pirates where comfortable joking around him as a couple others tightened their statutes showing extreme fear or respect. He was beautiful, his face was chiseled to perfection and his toned body could be seen through the white shirt that he sported with brown trousers and boots that where tied tight to his feet. After a while of watching the fascinatingly gorgeous creature he stood up and walked right underneath her hiding place, She held her breathe as fear creeped up her spine and She went completely still. A shuffle of cloth and then the familiar sound of liquid hitting the rocks, he was peeing, Laughter tickled at her throat. realizing that he hadn't noticed her, She was very curious of the outlander and leaned around the tree to get a better look at him up but as she leaned foreword a couple of the leaves started to fall and a couple rocks with it. She froze when She heard him cuss and growl looking up at her hiding place he squinted right at her, but She didn't think he could see her because he just glared at the tree and went back to his seat, except he didn't sit down he grabbed something from the cloth and came back to the tree he pointed the shiny silver thing at her hiding place.
"Come down if you wish to live another moment in this life." He spoke his voice raspy and calculating of her spot. She didn't move, frozen in fear and staring down at him. "Come down now! I won't ask again, if I have to say it one more time I'm assuming your an animal and I'll shoot you anyways for dropping a rock on my head!" She trembled and stayed silent. "Okay," he said in anger while cocking the strange mechanical device, "1...2..." She squealed and climbed out into his view, watching as his face morph into a surprised expression before returning to a serious deadly one and She began to doubt he actually new something was there.
Watching him watch her climb all the way out of the bushes, his eyes widened slightly before she saw a smirk cover his face as he saw her completely come from her hiding place. He still held the shiny silver device at her as he scanned her from head to toe as she clung to the edge of the cliff.
"Come down little one." He warned again, "wouldn't want anything unfortunate to happen to you up there now would we?" He said it almost tauntingly, She turned her head side to side seeming as though she couldn't understand what he had said to her.
His face turned to one of annoyed curiosity as he guessed that she couldn't understand him, he waved the gun around a little and pointing it down in a way to tell her to come down to meet him, She stayed still staring at him. His expression transformation from curious to frustrated as he shoved the metal into his trousers and climbed up to her spot on the cliff, he threw her over his shoulder when he got close enough to her body, she punched and hit at his form, he didn't seem to care, not even flinching as her fighting did nothing to wane him from his attempt to bring her wherever he was going.
She fought and squealed harder when She heard him chuckle at her foolish attacks on his body, he through her down into the little boat and hoped in after her starting to row. Glancing at him she smiled and jumped overboard, but immediately felt herself catch in the air as his strong arm blocked her body from hitting the water. He stopped his paddling and wrapped strange vines around her hands and to the middle of the boat keeping her in place. Her glare turned to stone as she stared at him with a killer look in her eyes realizing she couldn't escape. "Oh come on little one," He taunted. " don't look at me like that. I'm saving you from a barren island, you would've died if I hadn't taken you in." His smirk and glittering eyes said that that was the last thing he thought about by bringing her into the boat. They stopped next to a ladder that hung from the side of the boat and She stared wide eyed and scared  she was actually gonna be put into this creature and taken away from her home. Her eyes widened as she quickly looked at him and tears flooded her green eyes. He looked down at her and he seemed to be calculating the tears "there there love" he said reaching for her tears, she flinched and he stopped pulling his hand back, but his face changed from a calculating one to one of ruthless pride at his decision to keep her. "Ready for and adventure love?" He said as he threw her over his shoulder and hauled her up the rope latter.

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