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Lizzie's POV

I'd spent all day in my room, crying. I knew I looked like a mess. I wanted to call M&M- he'd know what to do. But he had run away and I had no idea where he could be.

I was completely alone. I wanted someone I could talk to, but anyone only ever talked to me out of pity. Not even my dad cared about me.

Mom and M&M were the only people that ever really cared about me, and they were both gone.

M&M was gone in more of a metaphorical sense, I guess. He was hanging out with the hippies and the druggies, and no longer cared for me.

But mom was actually gone, and I knew I'd never see her again.

Man, I'm just a lost cause.

I touched my face, feeling a few more tears roll down my cheeks. When I looked at my hand, my fingers were bright red- blood?

Panicking now, I stood up and saw I was in the living room with dad. He was furious, yelling at me. I started crying again, and he yelled more.

"Everything you do is wrong! You never should have been born! You're an accident!" He shouted, hitting me repeatedly.

"I'm sorry!" I sobbed.

"Shut up! Just shut up!"

He grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me. "Wake up! Wake up!"


I gasped awake and felt tears running down my cheeks. My hands flew to my face and I tried to wipe the tears away.

Oh, god, dad is going to be so mad at me, he's going to kill me.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door and I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak. I forced myself to open the door and saw Soda standing there.

He moved his arm and my arms flew to protect my face.

"I'm sorry!" I gasped.

"Woah, hey, what was that all about?" He asked, gently moving my arms away from my face. When I looked up at him, he genuinely looked concerned, and I started crying even harder.

Man, I never cry this much. What's going on with me?

"Hey, come on, do you need a hug?" Soda asked, and I could only nod.

He enveloped me in a bear hug. Eventually, I calmed down, and I spilled everything.

I told him that it felt like mom and M&M were the only people to ever care about me, I told him that I sometimes hated being at home because I felt so ignored, I told him about dad. Everything.

By the end of it all, he was crying, too. He really lived up to the title of being the family bawl baby. He had somehow convinced me to tell Darry and Pony everything, too, and I told myself, What's the worst that can happen? Might as well spill my guts.

And that's what I did. It was an emotional night in the Curtis household.

Sorry for updating so much I don't have a life

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