Chapter 13: Beach Party

Start from the beginning

"It doesn't matter. I'm not going." Pin said, ripping the paper from my hands.

"Pin, it does matter! You got into the best riding school on the mainland!" I told him, angry.

"What would you know about the best riding school! You're an American." Pin yelled.

I blinked in surprise. "You're an American." I repeated slowly. I scoffed as I shoved through Pin and walked down the stairs.

"Hailey." Pin said, reaching for my wrist, but I pulled away.

"Don't talk to me." I said as I want downstairs and out the door. I untied Acorn and mounted him as I rode down the path, back to Holloway. The groom took Acorn, so I was free to do God knows what. I looked around and saw Callum sitting on the stone wall of the entrance gate. "Mind if I sit?" I asked, motioning to the spot next to him. Callum nodded as he scooted over and helped me up. I sat next to him and looked at him. "You ok?" I asked him.

"I think Susie's breaking up with me." Callum told me.

"Mia?" I questioned and Callum nodded. "Do you hear that?" I asked him as the two of us were quiet.

"Callum, it's not me, it's you. I mean, Callum, I think we should stop seeing each other. No. I mean, Callum, it's not you, it's not me, it's..." I heard Susie say when Callum jumped off the wall.

"It's Mia, isn't it." Callum said, walking to Susie as she turned around. "She wants you to dump me, for the good of the yard."

Susie sighed and looked at the ground. "Pretty much."

"Gonna go through with it? Break my heart?" Callum asked Susie.

"Are you guys actually this stupid?" I asked, jumping down from the wall. Callum rose an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Susie, just lie. Tell Mia you broke up when in reality, you didn't." I said, before I walked out of the stables. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Susie grab Callum's hand and the two run off somewhere. I later got a text from Callum to meet him at the beach. I put on black jeans, blue long sleeve shirt, and my white sweatshirt. I met up with the others and we walked to the beach. I was talking and laughing with Callum while Pin and Gaby were talking and laughing as well. We rounded the corner to see the riders from Bright Fields already there. "What are they doing here?" I asked the others.

"Uh, this is our part of the beach." Mia told Gaby as she walked up to Mia and the other riders.

"It's a free country. I think we'll stay." Gaby said to Mia.

"Fine, we'll go." Mia told Gaby.

"Wait, Mia. Look, we've had our differences, but if you think about it, we all want to same thing." Callum said, trying to rationally talk to Mia.

"A koala bear for a house pet!" Becky yelled as we all gave her blank stares. "Said no one ever." Becky said, rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, look Mia, you care about horses and so do we. We're all competitive, we're all really good." I told her.

"So, instead of being enemies, why can't we just---be friends?" Callum started and Susie finished.

"It's only for today." Susie said to Mia, trying to persuade her.

"Brought marshmallows." Alex said, grinning, trying to persuade Mia.

"Fine." Mia said, clearly agitated as she sat down on the sand dune. I went over to eat marshmallows with Pin and Alex. Pin went off to talk with Mia so I was talking to Alex about random crap like Holloway, England, and America.

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