8-Operation Extricate

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Virginia's POV:


My eyes fly open as a searing pain cuts across my cheek. My eyes snap up to meet the dark, cold eyes of a sneering HYDRA agent. I make a move to attack, preparing to jump up and grab him by the throat. But as I move my hands, I cry out, realizing I'm chained tightly to a steel chair. Binds are wrapped about my torso, legs, feet, arms, hands, and neck. There's a cut on my calf and foot. I feel rather dizzy and all I want is to see James...where was he? What happened? I threw myself out of my thoughts when I heard the agent begin to talk. "Ah, Red Rose, so glad to see you back. You've been missing for years now...naughty girl. But what a coincidence that we found you with the infamous Winter Soldier. Killing two birds with one stone eh?", he chuckled at his own joke before continuing. "Now that you're here, it's only a matter of time before the oaf comes barreling in to save you. Then we can end you and him, no more escaped agents. How great that will be. But first, you must pay for your absence."


I screamed out as the hot pain of a gunshot hit my shoulder. The agent snickered and walked to the opposite side of the concrete room. Blood dribbled down my shoulder, soaking my lavender tank top. His footsteps echoed across the room as he returned with a weapon I knew all too well. After all, it was my famous weapon I used when they controlled me. What it it, you may ask. Well I'll tell you: A deep red switchblade. His menacing grin forced me to turn my glare from him. I felt the cold tip of the knife under my chin and he used it to turn my gaze back to his. With a sneer, he slashed across my cheek. Hot blood slid down my face. I glared at him, my chest heaving. "You know, I think it's rather rude of me to keep all of the fun to myself...", he chuckled.

With that, he left the room momentarily. The steel door slammed shut and I looked back at the ground. Blood stained the concrete floor, making my stomach churn. The door slammed again and I looked up to see another agent with the previous one. They both shared evil grins and I know what was in store for me...

Bucky's POV:

Minutes after changing into the uniform, Steve and I were out of the door and then clambering into a helicopter. Flying in the direction the HYDRA agents went, we went full throttle, desperate to save our friend. My mind spun with thoughts of worse case scenarios. Leaning back in my seat, I watched the world zoom by. Soon enough, we'd be landing outside of a HYDRA base. From there, we were winging it in a desperate attempt to save her. As hard as I tried, all I could concentrate on was the thought of how terrified she looked when she saw me shot. Her eyes filled with, horror, worry, and anger. My heart sank and I choked back tears again. No...I will not cry for her, she's not worth crying over. Saving her is all that I need to worry about. Crying over her will make it seem as though hope is already lost and all is not lost. After the short pep talk, I lifted my head and gazed out at the world flying past me. Trees, mountains, and rolling hills. Gradually, the view's colors faded away to inky black silhouettes. "Touching down now", Steve called over his shoulder.

Within about five minutes, the chopper was whirring to a stop, the blades slowing. Steve grabbed his famous shield and a pistol. I stood up and grabbed a SCAR-H PR. Also known as a Precision Rifle. I nodded at Steve and together, we hopped out of the chopper and made our way to the base, being careful so we weren't seen. Army crawling to the top of a hill, we peered down at the base, assessing what we were going to do. One of the agents noticed us but before he could say anything, I took one shot and he was down. After a moment's' hesitation, we heard a blood curdling scream; a woman's scream. It echoed throughout the valley, causing everyone to stop for a split second. She screamed curses in French and I then realized who they were coming from: Virginia. My heart skipped a beat at hearing her in agony but I knew that this is why we are here, to save her. Steve looked at me with the familiar glint in his eye and I knew exactly what he had in mind. I nodded and together, we were off to rescue Virginia. 

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