7- Reliving Nightmares

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Bucky's POV:

The next morning, I woke with a start. Thunder clapped overhead and lightning shattered across the sky. My eyes snapped open the first thing I saw made me relax; Virginia sleeping next to me. Her body was curled close to me, her fingers intertwined with mine. As thunder boomed again, her body flinched and became tense. I then remembered she was terrified of thunder because it reminded her of how her parents had died. Being careful not to wake her, I wrapped a protective arm around her. Pulling her close, I kissed her temple. At the feeling of my touch, she seemed to relax a bit. I wrapped my other arm around her and pulled her close enough so her head rested on my chest. Her hand rested on my heart and I could tell she was concentrating on the beat. Quietly, I hummed an old Russian lullaby I knew to calm her. Her body loosened up and I knew she was going to be okay. 

A few hours later, I felt her shift underneath my arms. I opened one eye to see if she was awake. Her eyes slowly opened and she smiled sleepily. I returned the smile and she snickered softly. She didn't bother to move but instead cuddled closer to my chest, obviously enjoying the warmth. So we stayed in that position for a while longer, ignoring the now low rolling thunder and soft flash of lightning. She shifted once more and I broke the embrace. She sat up and stretched, arching her back. I did the same and yawned quietly. Sliding off of the bed, she made her way to the kitchen. I figured I'd wait a moment longer, so I could wake up a little more. Just as I was ready to pull off the covers, I heard something that made me stop dead: The sound of glass shattering, a gunshot, and a scream.

Without hesitation, I bolted out of the room and down the hallway. Adrenaline fueling me, I raced into the kitchen, completely unaware of what was about to happen. 

I skidded to a halt at the end of the hallway, shocked by the scene playing out in front of me: 

Shattered glass littered the floor, glittering in the early morning sun. Soft droplets of rain soaking the carpet. Small drops of blood following the path up to a man dressed in a black suit holding Virginia with a gun to her head. There was a small gash on her left calf and blood trickled down the side of her leg. Her eyes were wild with horror and she looked at me, her eyes pleading for help. The man's head turned his attention away from her and his cold, dead eyes met mine. Fear coursed through my veins, and I froze, unable to figure out what I should do. His pale lips twisted into a terrifying grin, causing my heart to skip a beat. He cocked the gun and Virginia yelped, begging his to let her go. My chest heaving, I recognized the symbol on his suit: The symbol of a HYDRA agent. Virginia struggled to break free but the man tightened his grip around her chest, causing her to cry out in pain. "Let her go", I growled, swallowing the tears.

"No. You know what I will do? I think I'll keep her", he mocked.

Tears began pouring down Virginia's rosy cheeks and my heart shattered more than the broken glass that lay scattered across the carpet. He stepped closer to the window, causing Virginia to step on a shard. Her foot immediately began to bleed and she yelped once again. The fear in her eyes was so immense. I wanted to rush over to her and cradle her in my arms, assuring her everything was okay. But knowing I couldn't, I swallowed another threat of tears. "Listen here Winter Soldier. It seems you have grown attached to this beautiful young woman. We have information you escaped from one of our bases four months ago. Seeing we've finally found you, we originally planned to come and kill you.  But it now seems that we have a better plan knowing that you have feelings for our little Red Rose", he sneered.

Virginia flinched at hearing her old HYDRA name and my heart ached to help her. Before I could make any attempt to save her, a searing pain spread throughout my body from my leg. I fell onto my knees, grabbing my leg in pain. Virginia screamed to be released, fighting as hard as she could. My leg throbbed with pain and I looked up to meet the eyes of the HYDRA agent. His smirk was so malacing it could kill a person. Another searing pain, and I was on my side. Blood trickled down the side of my head, and I slowly looked up to see the man struggling to pull her out of the room and into the cockpit of a helicopter that was hovering near the building. My eyes locked with Virginia's and all her eyes said were 'help me'. The last thing I heard before my head hit the floor was: "JAMES!"

*An hour later*

I woke up to the sound of the door being busted open. I tried to lift my head but the pain only allowed me to groan. Heavy boots clattered across the floor. I heard them come closer and I opened my eyes to see shiny black boots standing in front of me. The first thing I heard stopped my heart for a brief moment. "Bucky?"

The voice, it sounded so familiar. How I wished it was Virginia's. But the deep voice was not hers, it was a man's. Whoever it was kneeled in front of me and I looked up and met electric blue eyes that I knew all too well: Steven Grant Rogers.

He flashed his famous lopsided grin and stuck out a hand to offer help off of the floor. I grabbed his hand and he hoisted me to my feet. I instantly fell into his arms, the pain in my leg causing me to groan once again. Steve took one look at my leg and quickly rushed me to the couch where he began to fix my wound. He and I were silent, not knowing what to say to each other. After my leg was bandaged, he cleaned up the cut on my temple. Once finished, he placed his hands on my shoulders. I gazed up and met his concerned eyes. "Buck...what happen-", he started.

He was cut off by me flinging my arms around him. I hugged him tightly and cried. I sobbed and sobbed. All of the stress from the short moment was too much for me to bear. Steve must have read my mind because he returned the hug and rubbed my back slowly. "They took her...", I choked out, hiccuping through sobs.

"Who'd they take Bucky?", he asked me, breaking the hug slowly.

"V-V-Virginia...S-Spyv-vit", I stuttered, trying to control my tears. 

"You mean...the Virginia that we knew as kids?", he intrigued, his eyes wide.

I managed a nod and I heard him draw in a sharp breath. "Don't worry Bucky, we'll find her, I promise.", he whispered. 

I nodded again and he quickly hugged me once more before standing up and offering another hand to stand. I took it and I was on my feet once more. Steadying myself, I gazed at my old friend and couldn't help but smile just a little. The skinny kid that I found in alley ways, beaten and broken, was saving the world, incredible. He returned the smile and handed me a briefcase. I took it, confused. He let out a low chuckle before leading me to Virginia's bathroom. He told me to change into whatever was in the briefcase. I nodded again and closed the door. Inside the case, I found that a black uniform awaited me. Grinning slightly, I pulled off my pajamas and slipped on the uniform. Under the clothes, the briefcase also contained an ear piece and a handgun. Grabbing both, I headed out of the bathroom. Steve stood up from the couch when he heard the door open and met me halfway. Placing a gloved hand on my shoulder, he smiled sincerely and asked, "Ready to get your girl back?"

"Without a doubt", I replied.

"Till the end of the line?"

"Till the end of the line", I grinned.


SUSPENSE IS IN THE AIR! How'd I do? The next chapter should be interesting! 

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