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5 was having a nice day. A nice quiet day.

When he woke up, he felt refreshed. It wasn't 3 in the morning and the smell of breakfast was in the air. 5 got up.

He had his sunglasses on, all pointy and black, and his triangle shaped ahoge stood slightly tilted on his head. His gray shirt wasn't wrinkled, with the pink and white striped collar, in order. 5 fluffed his white hair and headed out the his room, one with 3 unoccupied beds.

He strolled down the hall with smile on his face, greatly anticipating breakfast. Then he stepped on some glass. And screamed. Then 4 was there and started screaming.

Then MePad got there and started screaming. Then everyone in headquarters started screaming. Then Cobs came in and tried to deescalate the situation, lifting up 5 by the collar and taking him the infirmary.

Practically everyone that wasn't 5 or Cobs were crowded at the door of the infirmary. The glass shards were thrown into a small bowl and Cobs began disinfecting the wounds.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, 4 was standing at the broken cups. He had dropped them setting up the tables and 5 had walked in right before 4 had grabbed a broom.

The was a moment of silence before 5 started screaming. Then he started screaming. Then everyone started screaming. Then Cobs swooped 5 away to the infirmary.

Everyone had gone to see if 5 was okay but 4 stayed behind. He had dropped the glass so it was only fair if he cleaned up. Grabbing the broom he had dropped in the rush, 4 grabbed the dustpan.

While he cleaned, he felt guilty, which was reasonable to an extent. But he also felt a presence. Or rather 10 presences. All squirming and mewling. Something about the emotions.

Then 4 felt something bite his hand and he was at another form again. He felt anxious and thoughts raced through his mind though he was a bit drowsy.

The form was average, with long seaweedy hair, a girl's school uniform, and a lab coat draped over them.

The thinking didn't stop. The anxiety didn't stop. He was bent down on the floor, hands and legs paralyzed because he couldn't bring himself to run to infirmary. 4 shook his head, and he was back to his old form.

The presences swarmed around the host while he sat there, just sitting. He felt frozen. One of the presences tried their hand at the form but it was interrupted by MePad. MePad had calmed down.

MePad gulped. "Sir, it is relieving to know that you are trying to clean up, but maybe try to move your arms."

4 sat there.


"Ah, sorry. Just thinking." 4 threw some of the glass in the dustpan to the trash. "I'll get to the rest."

The smoke alarm went off. 3G must've left the stove on. How ignorant.

MePad rushed over to the stove and turned it off. Turning to 4, he said, "I guess I'm handling breakfast then?"

The glass by the end was gone and 5's foot was now bandaged. Everyone had calmed down and returned to breakfast.

4 himself had just gone for cereal. Everyone just ate their food and small conversations about things. Cobs just ate some toast.

About around 8 thirty AM, Cobs went to the other places to do work which left more than 5 people, all younger than 18, in a room together. It was also around that time that 4 had apologized to 5 about the glass. 5 was fine.

The presences didn't do anything except wait.

Wait until the next emotional state.

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