Chapter 1

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A/N - This story is in Rileys P.O.V

I wake up to a scream of pain. 

I hear a ghastly voice.

"You're children will be next soon"

I hide in my hamper and pile clothing on myself. My hands are sweaty and I am shaking uncontrollably. I hear police sirens and I stay in my hiding place.

A few seconds later the door is knocked down. I hear shuffling as people look around my room. The hamper opens up and gets knocked over and I roll out to see police.

"Get outside now kid. Everything will be explained later go! We already got your brother in a police car," I move at a sprint and leave my room. 

Instead of going outside I head to my parent's room. 


 I leave and go out the back door. The blinds are open because my parents like to have them open so the moonlight filters through the windows. I open the window and crawl inside and see two bodies on the floor. I see blood staining the white carpet and I see hair covering my mother's pale face. I did not understand her face is never pale it is always a light tan. Same with my father. His eyes seem to be rolled to the back of his head. The wind seems to howl from me never closing the window. Lightning flashes and I see the black blood. 

Black blood?

The doors break open and police storms the room. They check each part of the room before saying, "You were supposed to go out front into the police car. How did you get in here?"

"Th-the window," I say as my voice quivers. 

"Was it unlocked?"

"Yeah. I crawled through."

"Were the blinds closed?"

"No. They like the moonlight they say it relaxes them helping them sleep."

"Did you touch anything besides the window?"


"You need to go outside into the police car. Sara escort her to the police car please."

"Yes sir," Sara grabs my arm and walks me to the front door. As we walk I ask questions.

"How did the murderer get inside?" I ask.

"No idea. Could have been the window. We secured the premises before barging in."

"My brother Oscar is he alright?"   

"Yes, we found him hiding behind his bed with a dictionary. He was unscathed."

We reach the police car and Sara lets me inside. 

"Everything is going to be alright," Sara assures me calmly.

"Oscar are you alright?" I ask Oscar who is sitting next to me. The red and blue lights reflect off his pained facial expression.

"Yeah. I woke up to a blood-chilling scream. I hid behind my bed and clutched the heaviest book I could find. I was going to knock out anybody suspicious. What do you think is going to happen next?"

"Judging from the cop movies I watch they will interrogate us and some neighbors. They might look for their will that might tell us where we go next. Probably to our most trusted family members."

"We have very little because they keep on dying. Grandmas and grandpas. Our Aunts and Uncles on out dads side of the family. Cousins and second cousins. Seems like our family has a paper taped to our back saying 'Kill me'"

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