Sick Mikleo

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Mikleo P.O.V-I has been doing some training for our battles because the other Seraphim our centuries ahead of me.Sun was starting to rise so I decided to go back to the hotel me and Sorey were sleeping in the same room. So I have to be very quiet. I enter the room and go to my bed I pulled the covers off and slip under and pull the covers up. I fall into a deep slumber. Mikleo wakes up an hour later. I woke up feeling hot and dizzy I sat up and saw Sorey missing from his bed. I got off the bed and walked to the door fighting the dizziness I have. I open it and exit I closed the door and went to find Sorey. After a few minutes of looking, I found Sorey with the other Seraphim. I guess Alisha and Rose are still sleeping. Sorry, there you are. Oh, Mikleo you're awake I didn't know if I should wake you. It's fine w-what are you reading. Oh about ruins that are around here. Mikleo are you ok? Yeah, water boy, you look a little pale. Come on guys I'm sure my boy Mikleo is fine no need to worry. I'm fine right I feel dizzy I can't focus on anything everything is blurry. I'm fine guys no need worry. Sorey can I see that book I-I want...
Normal P.O.V-Sorey had seen Mikleo might faint so he went beside him second he fainted. Sorey felt his forehead and he pulled back. Mikleo was burning up and fast. Sorey picks Mikleo up bride style and headed to there room. He knew Rose is always awake at this time. As he went up to the stairs he spotted the familiar red-haired girl. Rose!Oh, Sor...What happened to Mikleo? He fainted can you open our bedroom door? Sure. Rose went to Sorey and Mikleo room and opened the door. Sorey entered and went to Mikleo bed and laid the sickly boy on the bed and grabbed the covers and pulled them up until they reach his chin. He grabbed the golden circlet that has an emerald in the middle and placed it in one of the drawers. Rose! Yes, Sorey what do you need. Get cold water, a towel, and Lailah. Yes, will do. Rose went out of the room closing the door as she left. Sorey looked at the water Seraph who had his Violet eyes staring at him. Mikleo your awake. Yeah, so how bad? I think a high fever so please stay in bed. Will do. And with that Mikleo closed his eyes and went into a deep slumber. Mikleo wakes up at noon.
Mikleo starts to wake up.
Mikleo P.O.V-S-Sorey? I turn to my side to see Alisha and not Sorey. Oh, Mikleo you're awake! Sorry, Sorey went to make some soup for you.Oh...(a few bad coughs between words) Thanks...a lot...Alisha.Your welcome here let me help you sit up. After Alisha had Mikleo sitting up. She grabbed a glass of water and waited for him to grab it. Here some Water. I grabbed the glass and started to drink it down. It nice and cool down my aching and sore throat. Once I finished the glass I gave it back to Alisha who grabbed the jug of water to refill it. She then put the jug and glass on the dresser. Soon enough Sorey quietly comes in. Oh, Mikleo you're awake. Sorry, what is that? Oh, I made you lunch. Oh, Alisha Lailah wants you. Okay bye, Mikleo I hope you feel better soon.Thanks.Alisha left closing the door behind her. Sorey came up and sat on chair Alisha was sitting on.He put the tray on my lap. I looked at the soup it was chicken noodle.There was milk beside and next to that was a cake. I started eating and soon nothing was left. I'm glad you're ate it means you aren't doing too bad.But I still have to ask you the question Mikleo.You mean how I am feeling.Yeah.Sorey grabbed the tray and put it on the dresser.Well I have a sore thought, I'm dizzy,and tired but that's it.Good,Mikleo now lay down you need your rest.Ok but when I'm better I will read that book and we will explore those ruins.Okay but before that you need rest.Sorey pushed me down and grabbed a dry cloth and put it in the bowl of water.He then squeeze it and put it on my forehead.It felt nice. I closed my eyes then sleep took over.
Sorey P.O.V-I watched as Mikleo fell asleep he looked exhausted I wonder how he could have gotten sick.There is one major thing about Seraphim and it's that they don't get ill ever.So why is Mikleo in bed sick as a dog. I hear the door open slowly and I see the fire Seraphim Lailah.Lailah do you have anything on how Mikleo got sick?Lailah came in quietly so she doesn't wake Mikleo up.When She was in the room she closed the door behind her quietly and walked up to a chair and pulled it next to mine.Maybe we but aren't sure yet.Go on we both know Seraphim can't get sick.So tell me how Mikleo is?Well we think he might of overworked himself.I see what else Lailah?Well even Seraphim need a break once in a while.But my guess is he keep going without a break.Which caused him to get sick.But if he got some good night sleep he probably would of been fine.Thanks Lailah. I wonder though what made him overworked himself to that extent. I think I know.What is it then?Well because he is behind us by centuries. I guess he was practicing to be good enough in battle. I see Lailah can you take the tray down for me.Of course but you know if this happens again he might not make.Then I will make sure it doesn't happen.Lailah leaves taking the tray with her.Mikleo please be okay I need you.For the past hours I been keeping him comfortable. I heard Alisha knock on the door.Yes what is it?Sorey please at least eat dinner.Alight I will head down there now. I heard Alisha leaving and heading towards the dinner room. I got up myself and headed towards the door.And when I was just about to open it I looked at Mikleo one last time and turned the knob opening the door. I leave the room closing the door behind me.
30 minutes later Sorey was headed towards Alisha's room so they can talk about ruins.
Mikleo P.O.V-I open my eyes and turn to see just  two empty chairs.Sorey must be down stairs eating dinner. I sit myself up making the cloth fall I felt dizzy but this time I felt like I was going to throw up. I jump out of bed and run towards the bathroom.I quickly open the door run towards the toilet.I lift the lid and kneel down putting my head in the toilet and letting all the food I consumed come up.
Sorey P.O.V-I was heading towards Alisha's room when I heard puking sounds and it was coming from my room. I dashed to my room quickly opening the door. I didn't care to close it at the time. I run towards the bathroom I slammed the door open. I then spotted Mikleo he stopped puking he was kneeling in front of the toilet.His head was on the seat he looked awful. I went up to my friend and sat next to him.S-Sorey I want it to stop make it stop. I felt upset that I couldn't do what he asked me.But I still could do something right.

Mikleo P.O.V-Sorey why am so weak?Why do you have to be with me when I am at this state?Sorey was sitting next to me. I couldn't look at him I felt disappointed in myself for being weak. I felt more puke coming back up. I put my head back in the toilet and let go of the my lunch.When it finally stopped I put my head back on the seat. It felt nice it was cool on my blazing hot forehead.Soon I felt someone doing circles on my back.S-Sorey. It's all right just let it out.But it feels so...I stopped I felt it come up again I covered my mouth and looked at Sorey I was now sitting down with him.I finally couldn't hold it in anymore and put my head back in the toilet. It's okay . If you let it go you will feel a lot better. I looked at my friend and nodded he was right. I might not know what it's like to be sick but Sorey does.For a few minutes I kept puking and Sorey kept doing circles on my back. I felt at least a little better but still felt sick.Mikleo do you feel well enough to go back to bed? I gave a small nod. I saw Sorey stood up and I did the same but when I started to walk I couldn't find my balance and fell into Sorey.Mikleo if you need help just say so Okay.Sorey I don't want you to help I just want to help you.Sorey helped me to the bed I went under the covers and lay down on my bed.Sorey pulled the covers to my chin and put a wash cloth on my forehead. I fell asleep instantly.
Sorey P.O.V-Once I saw Mikleo fall asleep I walked to my bed. I sat on the bed pulled myself under the covers. I lay down and fell asleep.
Morning at 10:00
Mikleo P.O.V-Rise and Shine Mikleo! I hide under the covers. I heard the footsteps walk to my bed put something down. I felt the covers pulled far away from me. I looked at the happy barrette.Sorey give them back. I tried reattaching for the warm blankets but they were pulled away again and fell to the floor. I see your fever is gone Mikleo. I looked at Sorey then put my hand on my forehead.It was normal again.Yeah you're right. I was dancing on the inside. I sat up and looked at Sorey then I realized my circlet was gone.S-Sorey where is my...Oh your circlet it's in the drawer. I grabbed the drawer and grabbed my circlet and put it on. I closed the drawer and grabbed the tray and put it on my lab and gobble it down. I put the tray back on the dresser.Well I guess you're feeling better.By the way you're not to train for at least a week without someone with you.But...No buts Mikleo.You overworked yourself and got sick this is your punishment. Fine. I stand up and walk towards the door.But I can at least read by myself right?Of course Mikleo.    And with I open the door and walk out and closed it behind me. I heard from the library. I hope I don't get sick again. I don't like being a burden to him.                    Well, at least I know what it's like for humans to get sick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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