The boy and the butler...

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I stares the newspaper in shock, "w-w-what?" even I could heard the shock in my voice. I slapped my face with both of my hands and all I got from it was a few werido-type-of-look from people passing me and a red cheek, I put my hand back to my cheek, "Dang, this is some dream, if any," I said sadly. I hope my thesis was wrong but if not... I was the 18th century.... oh I hope my thesis is wrong, boy I do. I began walking and tripped, landing in a puddle of mud, "This day is my lucky day," I said sarcastically,  rolling my eyes at myself.

I was now covered in mud and it was getting dark, back to the trash can I supose I thought and began walking back to where I was previously. At the trash.

When I crawled into the trash can I heard a little...voice? "Hey! This is my house!" yelled the voice. I felt like something poked me and I looked down and saw a little thing with wings.

"Eh? A talking bug, I've really lost it this time." I told myself out loud.

"For your information! I am a fairy! Not a bug!" it yelled. it had a green tiny dress and it had blonde hair and blue eyes that sparkled. "And my name is Cassie!" She yelled, crossing her arms over her chest.

I rolled my eyes, "yeah...sure you are," I said sarcastically than gasped, "Wait! I should name my delousions! Plus Cassie? Seriously?" I said just to make her mad. In which she was royally PO'ed OFF!

"And what's wrong with my name? Ms-I'm-going-to-jump-in-a-persons-house!" she yelled, she had a red anime vein popping out of her head and I straight out laughed. At first she just stared at me like I was crazy but then laughed with me.

"So I can stay here right?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She nodded, tears briming her eyes, cluching her stomache. "Ya! Thanks!" I yelled.


I woke up to find Cassie sleeping peacefully on my head. I reached my hand up over my head and poked Cassie gently, she mumbled something about a pony needing to be ripe, I just giggled and gently poked her again. "Hmmm....go away," she mumbled flipping herself so she now layed facing away from me. "Little fairy, hey, wake up," I said.

"No," was all she said.

I groaned, "Seriously? Now I have a fairy sleeping on my head. What next? A demon?" I said sarcastically once again.

I managed getting out of the trash can with the fairy on my head and walked out of the allie and onto the street. Bam! Suddenly I was sitting on the sidewalk and Cassie was, suprisingly, still asleep  on my  head. I looked at the man I walking into and thought, hmm...doesn't  he look familiar? Suddenly I remembered, the man from the dark! I pointed at him shocked, "! YOU!" I screamed then ran. I have no idea why but I did run, I quickly  ran into  an allie, just like the one Cassie and I slept in but different. I hid behind  a trash can and for some reason Cassie juat woke up. "Hm? Where am I?" She asked sleepily.

I giggled at her and she looked down and gasped, "did I sleep on you? Wait...were are we? This isn't  my allie. Or my trash can." She grummbled the last part out.

"We, well I, went out to see if I can find a way back but it seems I got lost, " I said, plus it isn't  a lie, I did get lost.  Suddenly a guy walked into the allie, he was dressed like a noble and I was wonderkng why he was going into an allie, hasn't  his mom or dad told him not to go into dark allies, then again I can't  say anything at that, after all I slept in one.

Suddenly a bunch of guys in black came out of no ware and pointed guns at him, I gasped and Cassie shutted my mouth so I won't  do that again. "Here I am, come and get me," the boy said confidently, I just watched as one of the men walked up to him and punched him. I gasped again and ran out in the open so they could all see me. The boy's eyes, or should I say eye, since the other was covered by an eye patch, widened, as if he didn't  think I was in there. "Leave him alone!" I said, my voice quivered slightly.

"Or whacha going to do girly? Cry?" Mocked one of the men looking at me.

"No....maybe...No." I said as I walked up to them, quivering slightly.

"Aw. The girl has one guts but that doesn't  matter in our line of work," said another as he began walking toward me, I backed up, a little frightened. Just as the man was going to hit me the boy said "Sebastian,  save her," and suddenly a gloved hand stopped him. I looked up and saw the man from earlier. Maybe if he helped me he can't  be so bad right?

-10 minutes later- (cause I'm to lazy to write a fight, just image an awesome fight and Liliian getting a sprained ankle, a really bad sprained ankle)

After the fight i sat on the ground, holding my ankle in pain. "It hurts, " I whispered as I touched my ankle, pain flooded through me causing me to wince. The man -who if I recall is named Sebastian- knelt next to me on the ground and looked at me in the eyes, "Are you okay?" His red eyes gleamed with ceriousity.

"Y-yes, I'm fine," I said quietly although my ankle said other wise. Cassie flew out of our hiding place with an angry look on her face. "H-hi, Cassie," I said nervously as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"What where you thinking idiot!" She yelled causing me, Sebastian and the young boy to jump.

"I-I couldn't leave him to get beaten up..." I said looking down.

"Well you could have gotten hurt! And you did!" She yelled at me. The man named Sebastian raised his eyebrow at her, knowing she was a fairy, I mean it doesn't take a really smart person to guess that she's a fairy. I mean come on, she's the size of a fly, but in all honestly I still think I'm crazy and just imagining all this.

"Sebastian..." Called the young boy next to us. Sebastian looked up at him, since he was kneeling next to me, "Yes young master?" Sebastian asked.

"Take the girl to the manor, she got hurt trying to protect me." the boy said looking at me.

"Yes Young Master," Sebastian said then looked back at me, "Now my lady, this shouldn't hurt," He said and suddenly I was picked up 'bridal style' and he began walking toward, what I thought would be the car but no when we got there it was a carriage...then again we ARE in the 18th weren't even made until the 19th century if I remember right.

(Sorry for the late update, I totally forgot all about this book and am going to try and update most of them, I am going to be moving in 7-8 weeks and so before I have to pack up everything I thought might as well update my book right? Anyway, so here's the update and hope you like it.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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