Just a dream? hopefully....

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I glared at my sempai* and snarled while he just grinned at me, "Now now, little girl," he began and started rubbing my brown hair, my red eyes glowed with fury that I know he could sense,  one way or another. "Now, Daniel,  have you brought the child?" asked a voice coming from no ware. I saw my sempai stiffen and his eyes go to the blackest part in the room, as if he knew the person he was talking to was there.

"Yes Your Magesty, I have brought a very...beautiful girl inded," Daniel said and pointed to me, I was sitting on the ground, tyed up, and a cloth covered my mouth.

"Bring her to me," the voice said, I could tell it was a man's voice but...what did a man want with me? I'm only 13, I'm not the prettiest girl in any of the classes, sure, I'm very...intelligent?  Ya! That's the word! I skipped 3 grades and I am now in the 11th grade, I could have skipped 4 or even 5 but well...Mom didn't want me to ahead of everyone else, I'm shorter than 4th graders, I have times when my personality changes majorly, and I'm very picky about what I eat so why would someone want me?

I snapped out of my daze by Daniel yanking me up, very violently may I add, I felt my mood change and then said,"Get off of me B***h!!" Daniel looked at me shocked and confused. I yanked my arm free from Daniel. How I got free of my ropes that kept me from excape earlier was long gone alone with the cloth Daniel had put in my mouth.

"Eh...???...Lillian?" Daniel asked shocked and confused.

I got up and made my way past the very shocked Daniel and to the dark part of the room, "Hey! B***h! Get out here and face me! Moron! Moron! Moron! Baka* Baka! Baka!" I yelled at the voice. A man in black stepped out of the shadows and stared at me in wonder. "What? You got something to say? if you do then say it already!" I yelled at himm he continued to stare at me and I felt my mood switch again, "No! Not now!" I yelled then fainted. I felt someone catch me then picked me up 'Princess style' and began walking.

-Time Skip!-

I opened my eyes and saw an allie, I laid in a garbage can and I was, not so happy.  I struggled to get out and about an hour later I finally got out of the trash can. I looked around and began walking. I walked right into a crowd on the street.  I looked around for something that would help me know were I was and located a newspaper. I ran over to it and picked it up, looked at it and gasp, 'Fantom co. made a big investment!' were the letters on it and it had the date so I knew it was May 21st and in the...18th century!?!  I lookes around and noticed everyone was wearing werid clothes I often saw on TV for a old-old movie. Okay so either 1. I'm dreaming and this is one detailed dream 2. I was on a movie set and they were about to creat a movie or 3. I was kidnapped and taken to this werid place and back in time! This can-t be happening to me!

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