A Death In The Family (Intro)

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This whole fucked up story started when I was 8. My dad ,who was the sheriff of Beacon Hills , picked me up from school. We were on our way to see my mom who was in Beacon County Hospital. She was comatose... they found her in the forest covered with scratch marks and an animal bite on her neck. My dad and I were driving through the forest when a large dark animal figure hit the front of the car. It was big and strong... Strong enough to cause our car to flip over. I blacked out. The next thing I remember was my dad dragging out of the flaming car. He jumped on top of me covering my body as the car exploded. I was fine but he wasnt. He suffered major burns all over his body. The fire from the explosion was big enough to be seen in the city. I watched him die in front of me. Policemen, Fire fighters and ambulances came but not quickly enough to save my dad. A young police officer named Jordan Parrish pulled me away from by dead father's body and me in the ambulance. He put his coat over mine and told me things will be alright. He came with me to Beacon County Hospital and they let me stay in the same room as my mom. Later that night the machine she on started beeping louder and louder. Her condition got worse. She was going into cardiac arrest. They doctor's tried to save her life in front of me but it didn't work. She died that night.. The same day as my father's. And all I can think about is the bite mark on my mother's neck and the large dark figure that caused the crash.

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