Chapter 4

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This will be a long week for me. Gosh I need to manage the try out in track and field in the morning and the basketball in the afternoon. Haist...

"Unnie I'll go now. We need to prepare for the try out." I told Sowon unnie as soon as I saw here going down the stairs.

"It's too early it's only 6 in the morning." She shout at me when I'm about to open the door.

"Scold that RM oppa. He's behind of this. He want us to be their in 6:30 sharp." I told her and bid my goodbye. I need to commute today or just run as my exercise.

I decided to run so I just put my earphones and run. I'm wearing a jogging pants and a black shirt and I wear our athlete jacket.

When I arrive at school some of my fellow athletes are there with RM oppa. Ohhh I forgot to tell you that we are exempted from the lessons the whole week.

"Hi Yuna" 1 of the guy student greet me and gave me a chocolate. I know your confused but since I'm an athlete I'm a little bit of famous here in school but when I'm with my sisters they didn't dare to approach me since they are afraid of Sowon unnie and Eunha who gets mad to them when they are crowding us. So they just put it on my desk.

"Ohh. Thanks" and he smile widely when I accept the chocolate. Well, I don't want to be rude in this early morning. Another fanboys and fangirls approach me with either chocolates and flowers or biscuits that they give to me. I just say thank you to them and told them that they don't need to give those things.

"So... Another fanboys and fangirls week since you don't have your sisters?" RM oppa joke at me but I just roll my eyes to him.

"Yah... Already pissed off. I'm just stating the fact though." He tease me again

"Whatever oppa" Tsk. It's too early to be pissed.
So I just went straight to Jungkook since we are the one who's assigned in  100m sprint he's also my close friend/boy bestfriend, we joke around and tease each other.

"Should I give you chocolates and flowers also since I'm also your fan?" He told me when I'm near him. Another person who loves making me pissed off.

"No thanks." And I glare at him

"hahaha. Don't be mad I'm just kidding you know" then he get one of the chocolates that I'm holding then he open it and eat.

"I should thank your fans atleast they can help us gain back our energy because of this chocolate" then he smile widely

"Why don't you mind your own fans and their chocolates. You have your chocolates why does you need to get mine?" I glare at him his famous here the ultimate hearthrob.

"You love glaring huh.The chocolates that your fans gave are expensive you know." As he show me the brand

"Are you saying that mine are rich and yours are not? You know that its not about how expensive the gifts but it's how the fans make effort for ...." I didn't finish what I'm saying cause he put the chocolate on my mouth.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full" then he run to our respective place to prepare.

We start the try out at 8:00 after the meeting with coach.

At lunch time our coach gave us a pack lunch that the school give for the athletes who facilitate the try out.

"Do you want shake or stick with this water?" Jungkook ask before we start to eat. He joined me eat here in the bench while the others are at their respective places.

"I choose shake." I said

"Okay. I'll be back. I'll get you your favorite strawberry shake" then he wink before going to the cafeteria. Tsk. My heart suddenly feel something that I'm feeling when Yerin unnie is around. I don't understand my feelings now.
Is it possible to be inlove with two person with different gender?
I hate this.

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